前些時候為了一些事其實心情很受影響呢!特別當遇到依些有理說不清嘴巴特別厲害之人...反正就是一肚子的不可思議,真不敢相信這事上怎會有這樣子的人出現呢! 某天去找教授,教授真的是老老師不是我這種年輕老師所可以比擬的!教授似乎看穿我的心事,他語重心長的跟我說"學會一個好的做事態度很重要,因為一個好的態度會影響我們一輩子,做事的態度不對到頭來只會傷害自己..."我當下立馬反射性的回應"可是,他們不是只有傷害自己阿,也傷害身旁的人"教授笑了一笑跟我說"對!沒錯!這些人只會在那一刻會是那一天造成我們的不舒服但是卻永遠無法影響我們的人生" 我還是很不解,我跟教授說"我的心中還是有很多的疑惑在 也許要到了你的年紀時才會豁然開朗!"老教授笑而不答的送我離開她的辦公室!
那天回家的路上,我一邊走路一邊品嘗老教授的一番話,忽然之間豁然開朗"是阿! 這些人只會造成我們一時的不快 但卻在我們的生命中沒有任何影響呢!"
我的第一堂課總是花了不少時間再談態度 因為態度的確是決定我們人生的高度呢! 而那些態度對我們不佳或是處事的態度有問題的人只能祝福他們讓上帝在他們的身上做為吧!
星期一, 7月 19, 2010
星期五, 7月 16, 2010
A conversation with wise professor 和老教授的對話 By Julianne Yu- Jen, Hsieh 謝於真
中文版請至谷歌翻譯 或是敬請期待
I was quite confident with my teaching job for many years till I met one group of very unbelievable people. Of course they were not my students but the same generation. It’s really like a nightmare to work and deal with them but for sure I really gained a lot from them.
One day I was really peace off for something and it induced those really bad emotions. However, God sent me the wise professor for releasing my confusing and doubts. I was so unbelievable that how come there are some people who seem talkative and work hard by mouth but actually doing nothing. The most intolerant part for me it’s that this kind of people got a lot of free time to create the problems and stepped others.
Professor Wise is one of the seniors among my career who I respect as a role model. I was murmur to her about my angers among those people. In the end of our business, she told me that “…a good attitude is always helped us to do the right things all the time, and it would lead us to success. Those who were not doing the things with right attitudes might be leading to the failure and it would harm themselves…” I was not really agree with Professor Wise at that time, so I replied “No, I thought them were not only hurt themselves but others.” “Yes, those people might give us hard times but never has anything to deal with our lives. They might let us have a very bad mood but only that day not all our lives. See.” Professor Wise replied me back.
I was full of question marks while I left Professor Wise’s office. Suddenly I realized the point of that conversation and totally agreed with Professor Wise during the time on the way home. Yes, she was quite right. Those people might only give us a very un-pleasure moment but not at all. How wise the Professor Wise was!
I was quite confident with my teaching job for many years till I met one group of very unbelievable people. Of course they were not my students but the same generation. It’s really like a nightmare to work and deal with them but for sure I really gained a lot from them.
One day I was really peace off for something and it induced those really bad emotions. However, God sent me the wise professor for releasing my confusing and doubts. I was so unbelievable that how come there are some people who seem talkative and work hard by mouth but actually doing nothing. The most intolerant part for me it’s that this kind of people got a lot of free time to create the problems and stepped others.
Professor Wise is one of the seniors among my career who I respect as a role model. I was murmur to her about my angers among those people. In the end of our business, she told me that “…a good attitude is always helped us to do the right things all the time, and it would lead us to success. Those who were not doing the things with right attitudes might be leading to the failure and it would harm themselves…” I was not really agree with Professor Wise at that time, so I replied “No, I thought them were not only hurt themselves but others.” “Yes, those people might give us hard times but never has anything to deal with our lives. They might let us have a very bad mood but only that day not all our lives. See.” Professor Wise replied me back.
I was full of question marks while I left Professor Wise’s office. Suddenly I realized the point of that conversation and totally agreed with Professor Wise during the time on the way home. Yes, she was quite right. Those people might only give us a very un-pleasure moment but not at all. How wise the Professor Wise was!
星期二, 7月 13, 2010
People we meet in the working place 職場上的兩種人 謝於真
Two kinds of people in our working places. One is doing for job another one is doing for PR (public relationships). The job as a target person is always busy for doing and fulfill his/her duty in the work. The PR as the 1st priorty person is also busy by talking about how hard he/ she is doing the works.
I never know how to deal with those PR people. Sometimes I am really anguish by them, but nowadays I learned to let go and let God taking control of whole situation. It seems my EQ has been improved. But the truth is I totally give them up.
I do know which kind of people you are but I know that I am not a person who is very good in doing things by mouth.
在我們的工作場所有兩種人。一種是做事的人另一是做公關(公共關係)的人。以做事為工作目標的人總是忙著做事,完成他/她的工作職責。而以公關作為第一優先次序的人也很忙 總是忙著談論他/她如何努力的做工作。
I never know how to deal with those PR people. Sometimes I am really anguish by them, but nowadays I learned to let go and let God taking control of whole situation. It seems my EQ has been improved. But the truth is I totally give them up.
I do know which kind of people you are but I know that I am not a person who is very good in doing things by mouth.
在我們的工作場所有兩種人。一種是做事的人另一是做公關(公共關係)的人。以做事為工作目標的人總是忙著做事,完成他/她的工作職責。而以公關作為第一優先次序的人也很忙 總是忙著談論他/她如何努力的做工作。
星期四, 7月 08, 2010
有好長的時間沒有在部落格上寫寫文章 寫寫我的想法 我 沒有閉關啦 是因為上一個工作 有太多的東西要面對 六個月的時間 對我而言彷彿是在統合這10多年的生命呢 認識我的人 一定會知道 我這個人思想不但很澳洲 且向來對於名和利 沒什麼特別的想法 也不慎積極 因為對我而言 那些東西好像都是在浪費生命 但是 最近我忽然有了強烈想要念書 念PhD的動機 真是要感謝那些刺激我激勵我的人啊 well 小孩子的我回來了嗎? 好問題 恩...不告訴你 當你見到我時就知道了 哈哈
另外 對於教書這事 我有了很多的想法跟看見 當然 仔細檢驗一下 過去我的堅持是對的 只是若有機會再重執教鞭 我想課堂上的元素 不會只有檢視及尊重自己的生命而已 下次要來開個進階班 如何面對其他的生命 原因是
我 做到我在課堂上要求學生的每件事了 但是 發現 忘了提醒 在這個世界上 有很多不OK的人 會做出甚至說出很多不可思議的事情呢! 哈哈 故事多到可以寫一本小說 有機會時我再慢慢的來分享
重點是 有時候我們看到的聽到的也許很真實 但是經過檢驗後確會發現不是那個樣子的
哈哈 所以依莉莎白老師之前和我合開的生涯規劃 他所教的那個用臉的表情就可以推敲一個人的心理 真是受用不少 我想他應該會給我個A Right Elz? 我呢功力越來越好呢
好啦 待我整理好 再來細說 再會啦
另外 對於教書這事 我有了很多的想法跟看見 當然 仔細檢驗一下 過去我的堅持是對的 只是若有機會再重執教鞭 我想課堂上的元素 不會只有檢視及尊重自己的生命而已 下次要來開個進階班 如何面對其他的生命 原因是
我 做到我在課堂上要求學生的每件事了 但是 發現 忘了提醒 在這個世界上 有很多不OK的人 會做出甚至說出很多不可思議的事情呢! 哈哈 故事多到可以寫一本小說 有機會時我再慢慢的來分享
重點是 有時候我們看到的聽到的也許很真實 但是經過檢驗後確會發現不是那個樣子的
哈哈 所以依莉莎白老師之前和我合開的生涯規劃 他所教的那個用臉的表情就可以推敲一個人的心理 真是受用不少 我想他應該會給我個A Right Elz? 我呢功力越來越好呢
好啦 待我整理好 再來細說 再會啦
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