英文的“rejoice ”是一個動詞意指快樂。它使我想起我的已故的祖母。我的阿嬤是一位受日本教育美麗且優雅的淑女。她和我的祖父是因為我的大伯公(我爺爺的大哥)當媒人而結婚的。但是 最令人不可思議的是我的姑婆 也就是爺爺的妹妹竟是是我祖母的同班同學。我其實還真不明白,為什麼有人可以不用談戀愛就結婚。不過,我永遠記得,在婚姻生活中 我的阿嬤總是微笑的面對她所面臨的任何困難。
她的晚年因著阿公過世及癌症而受了不少苦。雖然,她其實很理解她的健康狀況,但仍在我們面前表現出很堅強的模樣。很多人也許不明白,為什麼她要在我們面前故做堅強。不過,因為我是和阿嬤很親近的孫女,因此我可以理解,這完全是出自於她對我們的愛,她只是想鼓勵我們 ,不讓我們擔心。
她在世的最後一句話是台語的三個"好"用以回答牧師的三個問題。我永遠記得那一天,牧師和從教堂來的兄弟姐妹來到她的床邊探望她. 牧師問她是否願意耶穌幫助她,減輕她的痛苦並且和她在一起? 她彷彿用盡全身的元氣回答說,好 她想耶穌幫助她,安慰她,並與她起一起。在那之後阿嬤陷入很長的昏迷然後就離開這個世界了。對我而言 阿嬤只是暫時的離開 這張書籤做完後我忽然很想阿嬤 。 而書籤中可愛的熊讓我聯想到,現在她一定在天上和耶穌一起唱歌和跳舞。而且,有一天,我將會再見到她且和她一起在哪裡歡呼呢。
"Rejoice" is a verb to define as an action of joyful or happy. It reminds me about my late grandmother. My grandmother was a delicate and elegant lady. She was educated with Japaness background and was wed with my grandfather by a matchmaker. Her matchmaker was my grandpa's eldest brother. The most incredible thing was my grand auntie who was my grand father's younger sister was my grandmother's classmate. I really did not understand that why people were married without falling in love with others. However, I always remember that my grandmother always smile to those difficulties whatever she was facing in her marrige life.
She was suffering with cancer during her later live. That was the moment I closed to her in deepth. Although, she was very understanding about her health condition but still remained as faithfulness in believing that she would be cured in front of us. People may not understand that why she wanted to do it. However, as I was the very closed grand child to her, I could understand that due to her devoted love to us she just wanted to cheer us up.
Her last words in this earth were three yes for answering pastor's three questions while the pastor with a group of sisters and brothers from church came to her bedside to visit her. I always remember that day when she replied that yes she wanted Jesus to help her , comfort her and be with her. This bookmarker with the word rejoice just comfirmed me that my grandmother is now in heaven singing and dancing with Jesus. And, yes one day I will meet her and join her for rejoicing.