
星期四, 9月 23, 2010

中秋節BBQ趣談 The funny things tonight (Moon cake Festival)

今天晚上以為會有很多家人跟親戚一起BBQ 最後只有我們家兩個小公主,好玩的是姊姊打電話邀她的小堂姊結果堂姊未到 她睡著了...而我們家大哥趕場參加學生的BBQ回家前打電話問說要買什麼?託他買包棉花糖要烤給小朋友吃...天阿 竟然買了兩包........QQ軟糖....119的救護車差點來家裡把我跟大嫂帶走....最妙的是 教授大人 竟然還很正經的跟我們說 我買兩種口味 小孩子吃這個好 .....哎呀呀 (the English one will be the following one) 不過還好是買糖 不是買 棉花回來 ...昏倒 謝家的男生真是要訓練一下...

Moon cake Festival is a very big family day in Taiwan. We used to BBQ with friends or family together. The funny things were happened tonight. Esther forgot to invite her cousins as a result she called them to come over...but she fell to a sleep before they came and woke up when they were preparing to go home.. The most funny part was my elder brother. He went out for BBQ with his students. He called us and asked if he could help to buy something back...then we asked him to buy a pack of marshmallow for BBQ.. Opps! guess what he bought for us? He was very happy to get the children 2 packs of QQ soft candy.... My sis in law and me nearly faint about it.... thanks God unless he got the candy not other thing else..otherwise we were sent to hospital by 911's ambulance....This is our outstanding male in Hsieh's/Shieh's family...nearly almost men are like this in the family I guess!