
星期五, 9月 17, 2010

Funny Esther 搞笑小公主姐姐

Esther went to church with me. I asked her must be quiet during the service time. She promised that she would read her book and would not bother me. After we set down she started to read her story book “The story about Sun Bo” with loudly voice. I reminded her with the gesture of quiet. She nodded and was really quiet. Esther was pulling my clothes when the time pastor asked all people closed the eyes and prayed. So I opened my eyes and asked her why? She replied me with the gesture “quiet” and spoke to me in a very funny tone “ be quiet oh. Because people here were sleeping..” wow, then many people were disturbing by her and could not stop to laugh. My dears, they were not sleeping. They just closed the eyes and prayed lah….

小公主姊姊跟我去教會,去之前我們約法三章 我跟她說不能吵喔! 她說好, 她會自己讀書不會吵我! 然後帶著一本叫做小黑桑波的故事書去。 結果,當我正在聽牧師講道時, 她竟然真的在讀書 (大聲的念出 小黑桑波的故事 ...) 後來我制止他 並且跟她比 噓 安靜的手勢! 結果, 好笑的在後面! 忽然牧師說一起低頭禱告。 當我正禱告時,姐姐拉拉我的手,並且比出噓不要吵的手勢! 當我正想稱讚她時,她卻很不小聲的說:『姑姑! 噓~ 不能吵喔! 因為後面的人都睡著了…』 結果是”笑翻 一堆正在禱告的人! 姊姊! 人家是閉眼禱告耶! 又不是在睡覺… 無言以對的姑姑!

Pic-幫阿嬤綁完頭髮後 得意的笑容 she was so happy to design grand mom's hair style

Marking Paper 改考卷

Marking Paper 改考卷

My cousin and his wife were so busy for their business in China; therefore, I was visiting their children (my nephew Jerry and niece Angela) once a week. One day, Angela asked me about my job as a teacher. She said that she would like to be a teacher in the future. I was so surprised about her dream. So I asked her what is the matter make her want to be a teacher? Jerry and she replied me that because of there must be funs to mark paper with red color pens. As a result, I made a deal with them in helps for marking paper in the end of the semester.

Of course I did not let them mark the papers; I finished my marking paper job in the first stage and asked them to double check my markers. Jerry was quiet enjoy this job and he smile all the time. An hour later, we finished our jobs. Jerry looked so satisfied with it. Therefore, I asked him “Jerry, why you smiled all the time?” He answered me” Gu-Gu (Auntie) your students were so stupid!” I replied “why?” He said” They must not study hard, so they had these kind of bad results…. Worse than mine for many times…”

去年我的堂弟和弟妹都忙著在大陸出差,因此我最少每一週去他們家探望他們的小孩 哥哥Jerry和 妹妹 Angela. 有一次 妹妹忽然跟我說:「姑姑 我長大也要當老師」我聽了之後很訝異 反問她 「為什麼」她跟哥哥 七嘴八舌的說:『當老師很好玩 因為可以用紅筆改考卷…』於是我跟她們約定期末考時他們可以幫忙我改考卷!學期末時,我把考卷改好成績也算好了,但是為了遵守約定 所以我還是請他們兩個幫忙算考卷上的題目有多少答對的題數跟答錯的…從來沒有看過哥哥那麼有興趣過, 他一邊算一邊微笑一副很有成就感樣…考卷的成績算完後 (其實他們也複習了數學) 小三 的哥哥一臉得意樣 欲言又止…所以我開口問他『哥哥 你在笑什麼』 沒想到他回答我說 『大姑姑 你的學生很笨耶』我不解的問『為什麼?』他說『他們一定很不用功 考得那麼差 比我還糟糕』哈哈哈 真是童言童語阿 不過我也無法跟他解釋 那個考試成績只占一小部分啦 且我早就算好 也加過分了 要不他一定更覺得這些大學生實在是….

pic 1 Esther and JerryPic 2 Angela and Esther

Rebecca's funny words 童言童語

Rebecca is the cutest one in my family. She presented herself as the cutest and beautiful Mei-mei princess. One day, I was playing with her and she murmured some words I could not understand. So I was so wondering about it... In the end I used cantonese to tell her that " I can't understand' sounds like I am not a dog in Chinese. So she nodded. I found her action about this cantonese was so funny so I kept to ask her " Rebecca, can you talk in cantonese?" ( "can you talk" in cantonese sounds like are you a dog in Chinese) she was feedback me with a sorrow face expression so quick with the Chinese words " not a dog! I am not a dog"... ha ha ha so I tried to explain to her about the meaning of that Cantonese, the result is she still insist that she is not a dog... (pls see her pic in my file) by the way she is only 2 years old.

妹妹是我們家最搞笑的小朋友 她才兩歲多 她說她是最美麗且可愛的妹妹小公主 但是我卻覺得她真是有姑姑我的遺傳好笑的不得了 前些時後 我在家陪她玩 她說了一些我聽不懂的話 於是為了要逗她 我用廣東話跟她說 " 我不識聽也不識講" 結果沒想到她竟然微笑的點點頭, 好玩極了 所以為了測試她 姑姑我 就用了廣東話問她 "你識不識講" 沒想到她很急的搖頭並且用哭音回我" 不識講" 我心裡正訝異她竟然會說廣東話時, 這時她的下一句是 " 我不是狗啦 不是狗..."留下姑姑我三條線 .....哈哈哈