
星期四, 8月 12, 2010

Focusing 聚焦


I was invited to a care group. That was nearly the first time to meet others in the group. There was a ice-break leading us to the meeting. The leader guided us to a game which I named it 'opposite' in English. This was how the game being played. Every one could choose a number between 1-5 and spoke it out. However, there was a gesture for these 5 numbers. Normally, we would use forefinger to present for number 1 and that was the common body language around the world. As this was the game called 'opposite' we had to speak and act the number in the different combination. For example, I might said 1 but act my sign language other then 1. So that when I saying 1 I could act number 2, 3, 4, or 5.

It's not really a easy job but full of funs.We tried to play it in the first run. After the first run, someone responded to me that I was so relax in this game and not easy to be confused by others. Well, it's not really true. In fact, I might be one of the senior in age in the group, therefor, it's not a easy game for older people like me. However, to succeed in participating in this game would be a challenge for me. As a result, 'Focusing' was the only thing that I could perform. Thus, I shared that how I did it to pass this game to the entire group.This game was really interesting and it remained me something else.

Most of times we would like to deal with life issues without focusing. We used to have a lot of plans but always being dis-attraction by something else which might not be really so co-related to our issues. Focusing is the great way to help us in concentrating of gains.This is just as same as how we respose to our faith. Sometimes the miracles were surrounding us but we could not see it. It was becasue of most of times we were focusing on the wrong places or points.

Be focused and only focus upon Jesus. Surely, it will lead us in the path to meet Jesus and experience in HIS unconditional love to us.

Let us pray. Lord, thank you for helping us to know you and to be your friend. Yes, sometimes we pray but out of focus on you. Please help us to focus only upon you, so that we can experience your presence and love in us. In Lord and Jesus name we pray. Amen!

wow, it sounds I am a preacher. ha ha


我被邀請參加一個小組。這是第一次參加的一個小組。小組一開始領導者引導我們玩了一個破冰遊戲,我把它命名為'口是心非'。遊戲是這樣的 ,每個人可以選擇 1-5之間的數字,講了出來。不過,必須比出和這 5個數字不同的手勢。通常,我們會用一根手指比出數字 1,這也是通用的世界身體語言。但是這遊戲之所以被叫做口是心非意旨我們想的和做的是不同的。舉例來說,我可能說1但是我不可以比出1。所以,當我說1時我可以比1以外的 2,3,4或5的手勢。




