
星期一, 11月 01, 2010

The genius student 天才學生

The genius student 天才學生

(中文在英文之後) 2010/11/01 Yu-Jen

I went for a student gathering this Sunday afternoon. That was really a good time for us to meet and was a very first time since they graduated from university. It’s really good to see some of them are happiness with harmony at their families with the children.

There was a very genius student who was found with fever. She was staying in Yi-Lan where is far far away from Shin-Zu. Therefore, I suggested her to take panadol for her fever before she reach home to see a doctor. She rejected my proposal due to allergy to those painkillers. I was quiet queries about the allergy and painkillers because this was the very first time I heard that someone allergy to panadol. Anyway, we respected her decision of not taking panadol.

There was something up during our conversations while the car was reaching to Taipei city. I asked her how if there was no clinic open for her illness on Sunday? The genius replied “ it’s ok for me. I am going to have some Fu-Mao- Zer-IN (Pandol allergy sinus caplets)…” that was really shocked us who were on the same car with her while she said it. In the end, her classmate told her that the caplets she was going to take which contain with panadol its self and vit C…. So, Miss OOX are you sure you are allergy to Panadol? Ha ha ha.


聚會快結束前,有個天才被發現發燒了!因為她住在宜蘭實在很遠,因此我問她再回家看醫師前要不要先吃顆普拿疼退燒? 她跟我們說:「不不不! 我會對止痛藥過敏…」我其實是第一次聽說有人對普拿疼過敏,因此雖然很狐疑還是尊重她。

當車子快到台北時,我們忽然想到周日晚上診所應該沒開門,那他要怎麼辦? 這時,天才大小姐的她,竟然不急不徐的安慰我們說:「沒關係啊! 我回家喝杯伏冒熱飲就好了…」哈哈哈! 這話一出真是讓同車的我們都傻住了! 於是做在她旁邊的同學忍不住跟她說:『你確定可以喝伏冒熱飲嗎?』她很正經的點點頭! 接下來 聽到的是 “難道你不知道伏冒熱飲就是普拿疼加維他命C….”喔喔喔! OOX小姐! 所以你真的對普拿疼過敏嗎?