Two kinds of people in our working places. One is doing for job another one is doing for PR (public relationships). The job as a target person is always busy for doing and fulfill his/her duty in the work. The PR as the 1st priorty person is also busy by talking about how hard he/ she is doing the works.
I never know how to deal with those PR people. Sometimes I am really anguish by them, but nowadays I learned to let go and let God taking control of whole situation. It seems my EQ has been improved. But the truth is I totally give them up.
I do know which kind of people you are but I know that I am not a person who is very good in doing things by mouth.
在我們的工作場所有兩種人。一種是做事的人另一是做公關(公共關係)的人。以做事為工作目標的人總是忙著做事,完成他/她的工作職責。而以公關作為第一優先次序的人也很忙 總是忙著談論他/她如何努力的做工作。