
星期四, 11月 18, 2010

About the marriage 關於婚姻

English will follow by Chinese


前幾天,姐姐小公主在我回家吃晚餐時,忽然很認真的看著我然後跟我說:「姑姑! 我好愛你喔!」我回她:「我也好愛你啊!」 「因為我好愛你所以我要送你一樣非常珍貴的禮物」她一邊說著一邊拿出紙和彩色筆,開始塗鴉起來! 通常我對於她的作品是喜愛的不得了,因為她大概有遺傳到我們藝術的天份,她的圖真是會讓我們會心一笑呢!可是那天她畫了一位新娘送給我,給我時還特別交代說:「這是很美的新娘喔!」哇!收到後心裡還真是….覺得很特別啦!因為他老是愛畫些好玩的東西給我,這還是第一次畫新娘送我呢! 接著我發現這美麗的新娘手中沒有捧花,於是我要她加一束花上去,她一開始時拒絕我,很認真的跟我說:「不可以啦! 她還沒跟新郎結婚不可以拿花」嘿嘿! 最後她不但畫了花還著了很棒的顏色呢!那幅畫現在被貼在她專屬的藝術牆上展示著,改天我再把它照下來,放上來供大家觀賞。

曾經有人跟我討論關於婚姻的問題或是想法。我要先聲明的是1.我的性向正常2.我也不是一定不婚啦! 只是多數的時候,我都不會很正面的回應或是回答這個問題。原因很簡單,我覺得目前的我真的還沒準備好要進入這樣的關係中。而且,事實上我嗎! 童心還未泯再來就是我其實也有點害怕婚姻。原因是從小到大在我們偉大的家族中看見奶奶、媽媽、嬸嬸、伯母、嬸婆…等為了家庭如此的犧牲奉獻一輩子,我覺得她們完全被這個家綁住了,而我知道自己不可能那樣也不想那樣,更害怕那樣呢!因此我是有害怕在的!雖然,她們看起來很幸福也很偉大但是我真的是佩服那些已經為人婦的堂姊妹或是嫁進來的嫂嫂們、弟妹們呢! 哈哈!至於會不會結婚,這個問題也沒有絕對的答案啦! 因為信了上帝後,一切都在祂的手上所以我最好不要隨便斷言喔! 這樣的答案,看官你滿意嗎? (不滿意也沒辦法)。

For me the word “Marriage” is a kind of very close and holy relationship what is given by God. Chinese people would like to state Yuan as a relationship by God in lots of occasions. I think in some way it may link to Christianity.

Few days ago, my little niece Esther told me that she loved me very much therefore she was going to give me a very pleasure gift. Then she started to draw something on a paper for me. She said “this was my gift for you because of I love you.” I was very happy to get whatever she drew to me. But this one was really made me feel quite special and different. Guess what she drew? She drew a very beautiful bride (I should take the picture and post it here later) for me. However, that bride was not holding the flowers in the 1st place. Therefore, I asked her to draw a bundle of flower on it. She replied “No” at first and said that the bride did not get marry yet so she couldn’t have flower on her hands. Well, in the end she added the flower in and colored it then posted on her artworks wall where is the wall for her to show any of her pictures at home.

Someone did really share or discuss something or ideas about marriage with me. Well, most of times I would be very quiet or say not thing. However, the truth is that I am not ready for this kind of relationship. It’s not because of I am not believe in marriage. I do open my mind about marriage for sure. However, it’s some kind of fears to me. I saw my mom and grandmother and so many aunties/ grand aunties who really devote most of their lives in Hsieh’s/Shieh’s family. I just do not want to live like that. It’s really a kind of fears. I mean their marriages were/are very normal and some people may think that’s harmony. However, I just cannot sacrifice my life like they do/did. They seemed very great and must be honored. But that’s never the way I want for my life. So, hello who! Are you happy with this answer?