
星期四, 9月 09, 2010

God sent icecream- my favor NZ icecream


It's a story how I got the icecream to eat with mom Lindy. We went to Sir buliding to extent my visiting visa in Singapore. On the way along the long& bor ing waiting line I just saw an officer who⋯⋯ looked like a star named Hsieh, Chou Huang but was handsomer than him. So I was betting with my god mother while there was only 5 people in front of me that if I was served by that handsome sir. Well, due to it's so called betting, so there must be the reward for the winner. Mom said that if I was served by that No. 38 counter then she would treat me a NZ icecream which I favored the most. However, if I lost then I shoud keep fit and on diet. As a christian of course, I could use the only way and works all the times' method to win the bet. I prayed for it. Wow, that's so excited while I was the front one for calling. I might go to either counter 43 or 38. So I kept my prayers in my mind. Bingo! In the end I was in counter 38 and served by that officer. People was queries about my shout of joy while I was calling to that counter. 3 days later, mom took me for that icecream. I had the 3 scoops one. See, God cares all our needs and prayers even the smallest thing like this. I know that when ever we pray He will answer. I do not know what God is going to answer and give to you. However, I believe that prayers can make things possible. So try to pray in Jesus's name and you will experience what I had.

This was the story translated from my blog on year 2006



This is a gift (bookmarker) which I made for one of sisters in church. I just knew her. She was baptised 2 weeks ago. The big calligraphy word is "Love" in Chinese. The small one says "there is no fear in Love" and which is from 1 John 4:18 in bible. Thanks God for this card because it let us has some ideas about the expansion of new⋯⋯ church buliding. Our care group is going to make some of cards for rising the money in church's founding.

這是一份禮物(書籤),我親手做來送給一位2個星期前剛洗禮的姊妹。那句愛裡沒有懼怕是來自於聖經約翰一書 4:18。感謝上帝給我靈感做這張卡片,因為它讓我們有一些想法。我們的小組將會做出一些卡片義賣用來幫助教會建堂. 且這義賣會很有趣會跟我每年包給學生的糖果形式有點像..敬請期待..
PS這書籤後面有磁鐵可直接黏在書上,然後那書遷中的那顆心的字 是不同語言的愛 是我用火燒出來的喔 很有趣吧 另外今年聖誕節 需要小禮物的請預約 嘿嘿嘿 因為我打算不包糖果還有寫小卡片 所以謝神算 今年要休息一下