Face 面對
有許多年我非常投入我的工作、教會生活還有每年兩次3-4個月的新加坡生活。 寒暑假時我總是會離開台灣到新加坡去,原因除了那裡有我的另一個家(新加坡媽媽我的乾媽的家)外,其實就是想要真的休息,暫時離開台灣這個有許多界線不清的環境中。 也許在華人的文化中界線不清已是常態, 但回國這麼多年我還是不能適應的很好。常常在放假時總是會接到跟工作相關的電話,也不是那麼急的事,但是就是非得打壞一個好的心情,所以人在放假心卻掛著工作,而工作時又不禁想著下一個假期何時才會來…。這實在是一個非常糟糕的惡性循環呢!
很多人都以為那些在我們放假時還會打電話耳提面命我們關於工作的事的人,是非常負責任的人。而我卻認為,這些人其實是患了大頭症過度的負責。說的比較委婉一點是他們真的好會替我們著想也很負責任。可是時間一久,你將會發現其實他們是一點都不負責任呢。打電話的目的不是為了解決問題,而是想把責任撇清然後又多方的傳達他/她 做了多少不得了的事情,多麼的辛苦….。把自己宣揚的多偉大多不得了, 好像這世界沒有了她/他 就無法運轉呢! 然後更可悲了是,這些人常常又利用這樣的機會踩在我們的頭上,目的只是為了爬到一個更好的位子。 聖經上說,日光之下沒有新事。我常常為這樣的人感到可憐!他們也許看似會爬得比我們快一點或是得到某些好處, 可是很妙的是這樣的人常常也會在我們都想像不到的情況下而垮台呢!日光下沒有新事發生,這些事將會不斷的在我們的生命中上演,而這樣的人我們也會不斷的遇到呢! 所以最好的妙招是真實的面對自我, 並且尋求神的指引跟幫助, 然後你將會有意想不到的收穫喔!
For many years, I was quite enjoyed my lives in works, church and another family in Singapore. In fact, I went to Singapore every half a year during my university holidays were because of I needed some kinds of released from Taiwan. There are many ambiguous boundaries in Chinese culture. For example, while I am off from work I may get the call from the office for some thinly matters which is not really emergency. Therefore it becomes a bad circle in between works and holidays. It always needs to be aware for office’s phone calls during the holidays while I really need a break and also cannot stop in thinking of the next holidays while I am working. However, go overseas will always be the best way to avoid this kind of situations. That because of people may know that they cannot reach you by phone so they will only e mails you when the things seem to be important.
I always believe that this world will not stop because of anyone of us. As bible says that everything happens under the sun and there is no new thing under sun. There are some people who seem responsible for works and always try to call others who are in holidays for some kinds of working stuffs they think it’s very important. However, I named these over-responsible people as “big-headed”. They use to performance themselves as very royalty in their job and try to tell others that how hard they work for. In the end, you might find out that because of she/ he wants to step up for claiming up in the better positions. So that, she/ he try to announce that how great she/ he is but never pay any attention about the truth or dealing with any problems. I really feel pity of this kind of persons. They may once get the great position however failure in that position as fast as we cannot image. There is no new thing under sun. So, face our true selves and ask God for guiding, you will find that is really full of peace and wonderful things.