
星期三, 11月 17, 2010

When I am old 當我老時 Julianne, Hsieh

English will follow by Chinese

我永遠記得,修我老人護理這堂課的學生,總是會被我問到一個問題:”想想看,當您老的時候你會是什麼樣子?” 這是個很有趣的問題! 重點在於每個人都必須把他們老的時候畫出來! 當然這也是個沒有正確答案的題目。每次在進行這個活動時,總是會聽到一堆人很憂鬱的 “啊” 了出來! 但是很有趣的是多數了人的表情真是動人也很享受畫畫的時刻呢!

嘿嘿! 其時我可以向一般傳統的老師一樣,只需站在那觀察這些小瓜的動作就好了,可是別忘了我是誰? 我是謝於真耶! 是個頑皮擁有童心的澳客~ 我怎麼可呢就這樣放過這大好的機會跟他們一起玩呢? 於是我也畫了一張畫。

還記得我有好幾年所畫的內容都是” 我和我的另一半在第三世界的某個國家宣教,我們住在大草原的帳篷中沒有很好的物質享受但是每天都過得很喜樂… 一直到老的時候都是這樣…” 哇! 我想我那些寶貝學生們當時也許很受不了我因為我開口閉口還有滿腦子都是和耶穌相關的事呢!

事實上,那雖然只是一張圖畫而已,但是卻是我和神之間的約定! 我從來沒有忘記上帝對我的呼召,這真的很難解釋呢! 不知該如何說,但是相信只要正在讀這篇文章的您也像我一般經歷到主耶穌的愛跟奇妙的大能,您就會明白,這我開口閉口的上帝事多麼的真實啊! 也更能明白為什麼我會這樣了! 哇! 經歷上帝的同在一點都不難呢! 您只要向祂開口祈求,祂不會讓您失望的! 因為在信的,凡事都能!

I always remember that there was a question that I asked most of my students to answer in the Geriatric Nursing class. I asked them to image what will they be when they are old? This was the question with open answering which meant there were no such as “right” or “wrong” answers. However, they had to answer it by drawing a picture in a piece of paper what provided by me.

Well, most of students would feel depressed with the sound “ah~” when they were required to draw something on paper. However, it was interesting to see the enjoyment of drawing from their face expression. They did really enjoy and like that part of class. As a lecturer in the class, I could just do not thing and only commanded them to fulfill of my missions as a traditional teacher. But, who am I? I am Julianne the one with youthful heart! Therefore, I also joined the drawing with them.

There was a picture that I drew for many years. I drew that my husband and I who seemed to be a missionary in some 3rd world countries for our mission works. We were staying in the tent in the natural environment and there was the joyfulness full our daily lives. I think my students might think that I was out of my mind due to there was all about the Jesus in my thoughts and conversations.

In fact, although there was only a picture but it’s a very important deal for me. I never forgot my calling from God. It’s very hard to explain about it. However, once when you experience HIM you will know how true HE is and why I am like this. It’s really simple to experience Jesus in our lives. What we have to do it’s just inviting HIM into our lives and whatever we ask surely HE will answer. Everything is possible by faith with Jesus.
