十架的路 The Path with God
This article will write in Chinese follow by English version.
沒有金銀 沒有財寶
當下不明白 日後卻結出平安的果子
喔 十架的道路是神為我預備的路
這是我在今年一月份時有感而發寫的一篇小短文。還記得那一天我在醫院的走廊上看到一位正在哭泣的婦人,她哭的好傷心。於是我走近她的身旁問她發生何事?原來是她在為她的先生辦理住院手續的時候,她的先生忽然過世了。後來經過深入了解,原來她和她的先生是宣教士。 他們從遙遠的國度來到台灣在醫院中幫助那些困苦的、貧乏的、傷心的人,不但把自己的財物都獻給這塊土地的人最後甚至連生命都獻上。
這個宣教士沒有任何的保險經濟也真是困難呢!我當時其實薪水很少,少的不可思議,但是當下被感動做了一個決定把口袋中僅有的大鈔500元拿出來,給了那個宣教士的太太。我跟她說:「雖然這錢不多但是多少有幫助且是上帝要給她的」然後我們互相擁抱,後來她跟我分享了許多關於他們在醫院服侍的事, 在離開前我為她做了一個禱告,並且告訴她說:「感謝上帝,因為有一天我們在天家還會再見面且我相信上帝過去如何使用她的先生,在他死後還是會繼續使用他為主做見證…」。直到現在我都還記得那位宣教士的太太在禱告過後破涕為笑的面容呢!
The Path with God
The path with God is without a lot of money and property but full of joyfulness.
The path with God is without those luxury cars and expensive houses but fulfill with lots of amazing graces and blessings.
The path with God is a way leads people from the darkness to the hopefulness. It is also the only way for bearing the fruits with mercy and peace.
People may not agree or seem to understand about the path with God. However, this is the way God is calling me to walk with. It’s also the way God is preparing for me. For now on I will follow the path with God and walk in it with Him during my life time.
This note above was written around January this year. I always remember that day with a story of a missionary’s death. I saw a lady who was crying badly somewhere around the hospital’s corridor. I was so queries about what’s up to that lady, therefore, I walked closer to her and asked if she needed help indeed. She shared with me that her husband just passed away while she was away for helping him to register for hospitalized. During the conversation with her, I discovered that her husband and she were both missionaries overseas to Taiwan. They spent the rest of time and money in hospitals for those patients and their families in needs. The missionary was sold out all the money to Taiwan just for devoting God’s loves to those strangers he never knew before. In the end, he even devoted his own life here.
People may think that they were so foolish to give up their better lives in their own country to Taiwan. The most pathetic thing was the missionary dead even without any cents for his funeral. However, I know that’s not true. I was so encouraged and touched by what they did to my people here. I gave what I had in my pocket (not really a big sum) to the missionary’s wife and prayed with her together. In the end of our prayer, she gave me a big smile and we comforted each other by hugging and knowing that the missionary was in Heaven with God and was going to be used by God even he passed away.
Yes, it seems silly to give up everything and following Jesus. However, the path with God is full of amazing graces and joyfulness what is really different from this world. And the words of this bookmarker is not only remaining me about that missionary’s story but also telling me that how great for Jesus die and paid His life to all of us.