
星期五, 9月 17, 2010

Rebecca's funny words 童言童語

Rebecca is the cutest one in my family. She presented herself as the cutest and beautiful Mei-mei princess. One day, I was playing with her and she murmured some words I could not understand. So I was so wondering about it... In the end I used cantonese to tell her that " I can't understand' sounds like I am not a dog in Chinese. So she nodded. I found her action about this cantonese was so funny so I kept to ask her " Rebecca, can you talk in cantonese?" ( "can you talk" in cantonese sounds like are you a dog in Chinese) she was feedback me with a sorrow face expression so quick with the Chinese words " not a dog! I am not a dog"... ha ha ha so I tried to explain to her about the meaning of that Cantonese, the result is she still insist that she is not a dog... (pls see her pic in my file) by the way she is only 2 years old.

妹妹是我們家最搞笑的小朋友 她才兩歲多 她說她是最美麗且可愛的妹妹小公主 但是我卻覺得她真是有姑姑我的遺傳好笑的不得了 前些時後 我在家陪她玩 她說了一些我聽不懂的話 於是為了要逗她 我用廣東話跟她說 " 我不識聽也不識講" 結果沒想到她竟然微笑的點點頭, 好玩極了 所以為了測試她 姑姑我 就用了廣東話問她 "你識不識講" 沒想到她很急的搖頭並且用哭音回我" 不識講" 我心裡正訝異她竟然會說廣東話時, 這時她的下一句是 " 我不是狗啦 不是狗..."留下姑姑我三條線 .....哈哈哈
