Marking Paper 改考卷
My cousin and his wife were so busy for their business in China; therefore, I was visiting their children (my nephew Jerry and niece Angela) once a week. One day, Angela asked me about my job as a teacher. She said that she would like to be a teacher in the future. I was so surprised about her dream. So I asked her what is the matter make her want to be a teacher? Jerry and she replied me that because of there must be funs to mark paper with red color pens. As a result, I made a deal with them in helps for marking paper in the end of the semester.
Of course I did not let them mark the papers; I finished my marking paper job in the first stage and asked them to double check my markers. Jerry was quiet enjoy this job and he smile all the time. An hour later, we finished our jobs. Jerry looked so satisfied with it. Therefore, I asked him “Jerry, why you smiled all the time?” He answered me” Gu-Gu (Auntie) your students were so stupid!” I replied “why?” He said” They must not study hard, so they had these kind of bad results…. Worse than mine for many times…”
去年我的堂弟和弟妹都忙著在大陸出差,因此我最少每一週去他們家探望他們的小孩 哥哥Jerry和 妹妹 Angela. 有一次 妹妹忽然跟我說:「姑姑 我長大也要當老師」我聽了之後很訝異 反問她 「為什麼」她跟哥哥 七嘴八舌的說:『當老師很好玩 因為可以用紅筆改考卷…』於是我跟她們約定期末考時他們可以幫忙我改考卷!學期末時,我把考卷改好成績也算好了,但是為了遵守約定 所以我還是請他們兩個幫忙算考卷上的題目有多少答對的題數跟答錯的…從來沒有看過哥哥那麼有興趣過, 他一邊算一邊微笑一副很有成就感樣…考卷的成績算完後 (其實他們也複習了數學) 小三 的哥哥一臉得意樣 欲言又止…所以我開口問他『哥哥 你在笑什麼』 沒想到他回答我說 『大姑姑 你的學生很笨耶』我不解的問『為什麼?』他說『他們一定很不用功 考得那麼差 比我還糟糕』哈哈哈 真是童言童語阿 不過我也無法跟他解釋 那個考試成績只占一小部分啦 且我早就算好 也加過分了 要不他一定更覺得這些大學生實在是….