
星期五, 9月 17, 2010

Funny Esther 搞笑小公主姐姐

Esther went to church with me. I asked her must be quiet during the service time. She promised that she would read her book and would not bother me. After we set down she started to read her story book “The story about Sun Bo” with loudly voice. I reminded her with the gesture of quiet. She nodded and was really quiet. Esther was pulling my clothes when the time pastor asked all people closed the eyes and prayed. So I opened my eyes and asked her why? She replied me with the gesture “quiet” and spoke to me in a very funny tone “ be quiet oh. Because people here were sleeping..” wow, then many people were disturbing by her and could not stop to laugh. My dears, they were not sleeping. They just closed the eyes and prayed lah….

小公主姊姊跟我去教會,去之前我們約法三章 我跟她說不能吵喔! 她說好, 她會自己讀書不會吵我! 然後帶著一本叫做小黑桑波的故事書去。 結果,當我正在聽牧師講道時, 她竟然真的在讀書 (大聲的念出 小黑桑波的故事 ...) 後來我制止他 並且跟她比 噓 安靜的手勢! 結果, 好笑的在後面! 忽然牧師說一起低頭禱告。 當我正禱告時,姐姐拉拉我的手,並且比出噓不要吵的手勢! 當我正想稱讚她時,她卻很不小聲的說:『姑姑! 噓~ 不能吵喔! 因為後面的人都睡著了…』 結果是”笑翻 一堆正在禱告的人! 姊姊! 人家是閉眼禱告耶! 又不是在睡覺… 無言以對的姑姑!

Pic-幫阿嬤綁完頭髮後 得意的笑容 she was so happy to design grand mom's hair style
