這是我非常喜歡的作品之一。在創作這些書籤時,其實我並沒有先設想要做什麼,只是先把那些印滿不同語言的"愛"字紙片,隨意亂剪 然後在用火將這些小紙片的邊緣燒一下。完成之後我就隨意的把他們貼在名片大小的卡片上,然後在根據當下看到卡片的感覺隨意創作! 一開始時我其實不知道要把這張書籤做什什麼樣子,可是就是很奇妙當我完成時,就變成了兩個坐在一起的人的背影。我把他命名為"陪伴" 原因是我有一群年輕時代陪伴著我的好友們! 大家都是從不同國家來的但是卻在一起做了很都有趣的事一起度過很多人生的高潮跟低谷呢!雖然我們無法常常見面或是連絡但是那些美好時光真是令我記憶猶新。
我不知道你是否也曾有這樣和你在一起陪伴你經歷人生某些重要時刻的朋友?如果有就請好好的珍惜那份友情吧! 如果沒有也不要太沮喪喔! 因為上帝應許我們 祂總不撇下也不離棄我們! 所以試著來到神的家中 到教會來享受這份從神而來的"愛的團契"吧! 相信你也會經歷到上帝在我們身上很奇妙的愛與作為呢!
This is one of my favorite bookmakers. I do enjoy in creating them by my bare hands. I burned the side of the paper first then stuck it to somewhere on the card which with the usual size of business card. After that, I just drew the image from the expression of that paper with unplanned sharps. I got no idea about this piece of paper at first. Somehow I finished it as two people they are side by side sitting together after I started my first line on it. There must be many times that we were not alone to deal with our lives issues whatever it’s sadness, happiness, or joyfulness. It’s really so great to have someone who accompany us in the moments we needed. I have a group of friends who are from different countries but we shared our lives overseas during our young ages. We might not contact each other or see others so often. However, I always remember those warmth and happiness moments with them. That’s the word “accompany” meant. So, is there anyone who accompany with you in anything else? If you do, then please treasure those moments with her/him. If there is no one who can share the life with you do not feel depressed about it. There is the one who promise us He will always be with us and never forsake neither leave us. He is Jesus. So, come and talk to Jesus and for sure you will experience about His unbelievable works on us!