
星期二, 9月 21, 2010

耶和華路以Jehovah- Raah

謝妹妹跟我說她喜歡斑馬 (她明明就喜歡小豬豬) 所以我就畫了一隻小斑馬給他鑑賞一下. 這張書簽的字"耶和華路以"是指主是我牧者,這正好和我最喜歡的詩篇23篇互相呼應呢!是阿這一生當中有上帝當我們的牧者真是一大祝福呢! 最棒的是這世界上只有神的愛是無條件的,我們雖然禱告但是卻不需要做任何償還呢!

Rebecca asked me to draw a zebra for her. I asked her "why?" She replied that she liked it. Therefore, I drew it for her. The calligraphy words "Jehovah- Raah" are stand as the Lord is my shepherd. It has been recalled with Psalms 23 and it's one of my favorite Psalms. Ya, It's really good to have Lord to guide us so that we do not need to worry too much because there will always be someone (Jesus) who loves us with unconditional love.
