耶和華沙龍意指"主是平安"! 在這個世上有很多的宗教都將平安是為宗教的精神及重點之一, 然而真正的平安只有一種! 在我還沒認識耶穌之前我總以為平安就是指凡事很順利或是快樂。然而在認識主之後,我發現我雖然還是需要面對許多的困難,經歷許多的挫折,還有面對許多不是很好相處甚至處處找我麻煩的人,可是在那些過程中我卻每次都能安然度過且全身而退。那就是真正的平安! 也是上帝對我們的祝福,因為主就是平安所以凡是信靠祂的雖在暴風雨中還是有平安在,因為我們深知在暴風雨中為我們掌舵的是神自己不是別人!
耶和華沙龍 -主是平安! 願您平安!
“Jehovah- Shalom” is the meaning of The Lord is peace. Many of religions like to state “Peace” as the key spiritual portion in the faith they believed. However, there is only one peace what are differ and different from the peace from mankind in this world. I thought that peace was the meaning of we felt good and happy before I knew Christ. However, the real peace from God, on the other hand sated as God Himself is peace, is really different. We may still face the difficulties from this world, those uneasy circumstances in our lives, and those not easygoing people around us. However, we surely have peace and strength to deal and know how to go for our next step as this is the promise from God.