這張小卡的背景是著名的法國巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔, 小鳥其實是小型的禽鳥,可是我卻刻意的把它畫的跟巴黎鐵塔一樣高,原因是因為 在神沒有難成的事!正如書籤上的經文只要信凡事都能! 我不知道您是否曾經經歷過上帝其妙偉大的回應跟大能呢? 我到目前為止已經經歷過無數次的神奇事情!真的,實在好奇妙! 所以別再猶豫了啦! 試一試, 只要信 您將會和我一樣經歷到很神奇的平安跟恩典喔!
The background of this card is the famous tourist attraction "La Tour Eiffel" where is located at Paris. The bird I drew is a kind of smaller avain. I purposely drew it with the high similar to the La Tour Eiffel. It's all because of the wo⋯⋯rds from Jesus in Mark chapter 9 verse 23. "Jesus said, “Everything is possible for him who believes." I do not know if you ever experience about God's amazing answers and powers? However, it's so true that everything is possible with God. So just believe Him and you will on a path full of mercy and grace.