
星期一, 7月 31, 2006

Matt and Sherry 是我在懷恩堂(GBC)時認識的朋友,上帝很奇妙的安排我們在新加坡重逢!他們倆夫妻一個老美一個台灣人在這讀神學院,昨日我跟她們一起我的小印度之旅。來新加坡這麼久這麼多年,其實這是我弟一次真的走進小印度,哇傍晚七點不到,人山人海著彷彿置身在印度,其實我有點不太習慣印度人身上的香水味,與其說是香水還不如校是發酵過的洗衣粉味,但是上帝很奇妙因為我們在那裡跟著印度的牧師還有醫師義診,當我聽到這些背部平等對待的外勞有六個月睡不著因為爸爸過世無法回家見最後一面時,心中很是憐憫更加難過!還有一些人慘遭故主的欺壓,但是感謝主!因為耶穌是接近這些傷心的貧困的還有受傷的人。最好玩的是,我被誤認為新加坡人,大概是我的新式英文(Singlish)很道地,因為在這如果說太過澳洲腔的英文多數人不但聽不懂且還會覺得我們很好戀(驕傲)呢!晚餐是了一頓道地的印度餐!真的是種新的嚐試喔!且很好吃!下週我還要再去!晚點再把照片Po 上!
不知大家過得如何?hope every thing is going well.


星期五, 7月 28, 2006

我已經忘記在台灣過國慶日的感覺了,好像最近這幾年特別從國外回來後我們的國慶日不再像小時候一樣到處掛滿國旗且真的有國慶日的感覺,在新加坡這幾年特別是暑假我在這時,都可以感受到很濃的國慶味,那種整個國家動起來且團結的感覺真的很讓我感動!今年真的很榮幸被邀參加國慶日的預演,感覺很棒!當全場的人叫喊『新加坡 新加坡 我們是新加坡人』時,在我的腦海中忽然閃過一個畫面,有一天當耶穌在來時,全場的人一定也是這樣叫著『耶穌基督 耶穌基督我們是基督徒是上帝的小孩』哇!那時,若我在場一定會high到不行的!新加坡萬歲!台灣萬歲!主耶穌萬萬歲!


每次回到新加坡,我一定會趁著白天媽媽去上班時,出去趴趴走大快朵頤一番,今年寒假時,教會的一個阿姨帶我到這家位於新加坡中央圖書館協對面的牛肉麵店光顧過一次後,我便三不五時的來這一家創始於1926年的小店打打牙祭!牛肉麵的口味和台灣不同但是真的是好吃,雖然離City Hall 很近,但是知道的國際旅客不多,大概只有我這種假新加坡人知道門路吧!哇!明天我跟媽媽去Set-do我的頭髮時,嘿嘿!一定要去吃!(告訴大家一個秘密,其實也有很多新加坡人不知道這間店呢!我的乾媽便是其中之一)

星期三, 7月 05, 2006

Blessed the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12)
I watched a movice named Sanit Royria?? ( Just can not remember the name now) It's about a canadian boy who's mother was in critical condition, and Dr. told him if there was a miriacle then his mother would be woke from coma. Then one day, in the school the father teached something about religeon and shared the 3 important things about miricle "pray, faith and pure", so he tried so hard to let the amazing thing happened to his mother..till one day he falled down and dream that God told him if he could win the marashon then his mother would be okey...blah blah.. I liked this story very much..it's so amazing for me..cos it about christian..and even have christian song with the movice...
yes, pray, faith and pure are really imporant. In the end the Boy did not win, but then mother were recorved from coma.
What I gained from it is" every time we pray, God may not answer our prayers accroding to our ways, but must always have faith in HIM because HIS way is greater than our ways and His road is higher than our roads. Sometimes things may not turn up nicely as we wish and we could never understand why? but when God's timing is right, we will see and will know how blessed we are. May every one who I know will also enter to HIS kingdom and knowing that HE is the King of Kings , Lord of Lords. Amen!