
星期一, 9月 27, 2010

The juicy news about a child and an elderly on the Bus 公車上的八卦新聞-老人與小孩

The juicy news about a child and an elderly on the Bus 公車上的八卦新聞-老人與小孩

大部分來台灣旅遊的朋友都會告訴我,當他們回到自己的國家時 ,他們會一定會想念台灣的八卦新聞時。嗯,我不知道怎麼評論我們台灣的新聞環境和它真正的問題。但是新聞自由向來是許多台灣人感到非常自豪的一件事,因為它代表著我們的國家在一定程度上是被意義為自由的民主的。然而,從教育的觀點看問題,我認為我們的媒體需要付出大量的社會責任。而看新聞的人也需要接受訓練,成為一個聰明人的觀看者。

這條關於一位年約10 歲小朋友與老人家在公車上為了位子而大聲吵架的新聞報導,真正震撼我的不是孩子和老人間的爭執,而是新聞之後接踵而來的批判跟負面情緒。新聞說這個小學生把他的袋子放在身旁的位置上而老人家把袋子移開放到地上引起孩子的不滿於是兩造產生爭執…最後記者給了一個結論是小學生謾罵老人家。

該則新聞並沒有完整的呈現當時,老人如何把孩子的袋子放在車上的地板上,但是卻誘導觀眾”現在的小朋友不尊敬長輩” 且引發出大量的不良情緒反應。我很驚訝因為我周圍的一些人也參加這場戰爭在搞不清楚狀況下就開始回應這篇新聞甚至批判呢! 事實上,這一則新聞並沒有真正給予我們足夠的客觀信息和真相。然而,大多數人只看到了一部分的故事,就以非常公義的姿態加入評述。

我一直記得不久前一個我在去國立台灣大學附屬醫院開會的公車上發生了一件好玩的事。一位上了年紀的人上了公車上,他看到公共汽車上充滿了人,也沒有人讓位讓他坐。他於是很憤怒也很生氣,特別當他看到有人比他更年輕並且佔領了一個座位不讓座。於是,開始對司機抱怨,並說他將投訴司機沒有要求其他乘客讓座給老人。他甚至說,美國比台灣尊重老人 ...。等等等等...我試圖跟這位老人家溝通。而公車司機也為此向我致謝, 謝謝我同理他也幫助他處理這些問題。然而,老人下車後,真的震驚我們的是那個年輕人。當那青年人,從她的座位站起來準備下車時,很明顯的看得出來她是長短腳的肢障人士。

昨晚我和我媽分享這個故事後,我媽媽也分享了一個發生在她身上的故事。她說,有一次他身體極不舒服到醫院就診,回家時坐在公共汽車上的座位上。這時身旁站者一位老人家,在一般狀下媽媽是會讓位的!可是那一天身體真的極為不適覺得自己快暈倒了,於是沒有讓座(我媽那時血紅素不足有貧血的現象而我在澳洲所以無法陪她就醫)。 這時,一位穿著慈濟制服的志工非常正義且理直氣壯在不明白前因後果下,公然的在公車上大聲的指責我媽媽沒有讓位是做錯事,….。當然,我媽沒有給予任何回應。


PS 我當然不覺得那孩子是對的,只是我們在教育孩子的同時也需教育老人啊! 如果當時老人尊重一下孩子不倚老賣老覺得他最大也許孩子也不會生氣,甚至可以對孩子有個良好的教育示範呢!而這則新聞如果在報導時可以把正向的事跟見解說出來也極具教育意義呢! 而不是引發出一堆負面的情緒但是卻沒有真的建言,只是讓觀眾知道說小孩子會跟老人吵架卻未給任何的建樹,讓老人、小孩或是社會大眾知道該如何做才不會有類似事情發生呢!

Most of friends told me that they would miss the juicy news in Taiwan when they back to their own countries. Well, I do not know how to comment the news environment and the real issue regarding to it in Taiwan. Many Taiwanese are very proud of it as it states we are a liberty country in a sense of freedoms. However, from the perspectives in the educational viewing point, I think the media need to pay lots of responsibilities in our society. People who watch the news also need to be trained as a wise man for feedbacks.

The news reported that an aged 10 child who was shouting and arguing with an elderly on the bus due to the encapable issue of the priority seats. The child was sitting on the bus and placed his school bag on the empty seat next to him. The male elderly drag this child’s bag from the seat to the floor without asking and sat next to the child. The child was so angry about the behavior from that elderly. Therefore, they shout to each other. The video did not present that how the elderly put the child’s bag on the bus floor but only shows that how they argued. In the end of this story, the news reporter stated and concluded that the child did not respect of elderly… and it inducing lots of bad emotions from the news watchers. I was quite surprise due to some of people around me were also join the war of “youths seem not respect the elders nowadays.”

This news did not really give us the enough information of how the argument started. However, most of people only saw the part of the stories and feedback it with very rouse words and judgments.

I always remember that was one story happened on my way to National Taiwan University hospital. An elderly person was on the bus and he saw the bus was full of people and there was no vacancy in priority seats for him to sit. He was so anger about it because he saw someone who looked younger than him and occupied a seat. Therefore, he complained it to the bus driver and stated that he was going to mail the bus company due to the poor service about the seat matters. He even stated that American was so great in respecting of elderly than Taiwan…. Blah blah... I tried to feedback to that elderly with peace. The bus driver was giving thanks to me for helping him to deal with the issues. However, after the elderly got off from the bus, some picture was really shocked us. The youth got off from her seat and while she was walking we recognized that she was a disability person whose legs were injures with different length. I shared this story to my mom after that news while I heard my dad was giving comment about the poor education for children nowadays. My mom was feedback me her story about it after listening to my story. She said that she went to hospital for seeing a doctor and was seating on the bus after that. She was quite uncomfortable and really could not give up her seat to an elderly next to her. A religious lady from chu-zi (a very famous Buddhist organization) acted very righteous and pointed that my mom did the wrong thing of not gave the seat to the elder people on the way home… my mom said that she was willing to give the seat to the elderly who in needs with the good health conditions. However, that lady seemed very righteous without knowing the true story and humiliation my mom in public was really made her very uncomfortable. Of course, my mom did not reply any words to that lady.

This is very interesting that we always like to pass our comments and opinions in a very fresh and quick way. However, bible says that be quick in hearing, slow in words, slow to get angry. It’s very important to be a wise man for responding the news and things around us than be a very talkative fool who just pass the words and feelings without self controlled.

Face 面對

Face 面對

有許多年我非常投入我的工作、教會生活還有每年兩次3-4個月的新加坡生活。 寒暑假時我總是會離開台灣到新加坡去,原因除了那裡有我的另一個家(新加坡媽媽我的乾媽的家)外,其實就是想要真的休息,暫時離開台灣這個有許多界線不清的環境中。 也許在華人的文化中界線不清已是常態, 但回國這麼多年我還是不能適應的很好。常常在放假時總是會接到跟工作相關的電話,也不是那麼急的事,但是就是非得打壞一個好的心情,所以人在放假心卻掛著工作,而工作時又不禁想著下一個假期何時才會來…。這實在是一個非常糟糕的惡性循環呢!

很多人都以為那些在我們放假時還會打電話耳提面命我們關於工作的事的人,是非常負責任的人。而我卻認為,這些人其實是患了大頭症過度的負責。說的比較委婉一點是他們真的好會替我們著想也很負責任。可是時間一久,你將會發現其實他們是一點都不負責任呢。打電話的目的不是為了解決問題,而是想把責任撇清然後又多方的傳達他/她 做了多少不得了的事情,多麼的辛苦….。把自己宣揚的多偉大多不得了, 好像這世界沒有了她/他 就無法運轉呢! 然後更可悲了是,這些人常常又利用這樣的機會踩在我們的頭上,目的只是為了爬到一個更好的位子。 聖經上說,日光之下沒有新事。我常常為這樣的人感到可憐!他們也許看似會爬得比我們快一點或是得到某些好處, 可是很妙的是這樣的人常常也會在我們都想像不到的情況下而垮台呢!日光下沒有新事發生,這些事將會不斷的在我們的生命中上演,而這樣的人我們也會不斷的遇到呢! 所以最好的妙招是真實的面對自我, 並且尋求神的指引跟幫助, 然後你將會有意想不到的收穫喔!
For many years, I was quite enjoyed my lives in works, church and another family in Singapore. In fact, I went to Singapore every half a year during my university holidays were because of I needed some kinds of released from Taiwan. There are many ambiguous boundaries in Chinese culture. For example, while I am off from work I may get the call from the office for some thinly matters which is not really emergency. Therefore it becomes a bad circle in between works and holidays. It always needs to be aware for office’s phone calls during the holidays while I really need a break and also cannot stop in thinking of the next holidays while I am working. However, go overseas will always be the best way to avoid this kind of situations. That because of people may know that they cannot reach you by phone so they will only e mails you when the things seem to be important.

I always believe that this world will not stop because of anyone of us. As bible says that everything happens under the sun and there is no new thing under sun. There are some people who seem responsible for works and always try to call others who are in holidays for some kinds of working stuffs they think it’s very important. However, I named these over-responsible people as “big-headed”. They use to performance themselves as very royalty in their job and try to tell others that how hard they work for. In the end, you might find out that because of she/ he wants to step up for claiming up in the better positions. So that, she/ he try to announce that how great she/ he is but never pay any attention about the truth or dealing with any problems. I really feel pity of this kind of persons. They may once get the great position however failure in that position as fast as we cannot image. There is no new thing under sun. So, face our true selves and ask God for guiding, you will find that is really full of peace and wonderful things.

星期四, 9月 23, 2010

中秋節BBQ趣談 The funny things tonight (Moon cake Festival)

今天晚上以為會有很多家人跟親戚一起BBQ 最後只有我們家兩個小公主,好玩的是姊姊打電話邀她的小堂姊結果堂姊未到 她睡著了...而我們家大哥趕場參加學生的BBQ回家前打電話問說要買什麼?託他買包棉花糖要烤給小朋友吃...天阿 竟然買了兩包........QQ軟糖....119的救護車差點來家裡把我跟大嫂帶走....最妙的是 教授大人 竟然還很正經的跟我們說 我買兩種口味 小孩子吃這個好 .....哎呀呀 (the English one will be the following one) 不過還好是買糖 不是買 棉花回來 ...昏倒 謝家的男生真是要訓練一下...

Moon cake Festival is a very big family day in Taiwan. We used to BBQ with friends or family together. The funny things were happened tonight. Esther forgot to invite her cousins as a result she called them to come over...but she fell to a sleep before they came and woke up when they were preparing to go home.. The most funny part was my elder brother. He went out for BBQ with his students. He called us and asked if he could help to buy something back...then we asked him to buy a pack of marshmallow for BBQ.. Opps! guess what he bought for us? He was very happy to get the children 2 packs of QQ soft candy.... My sis in law and me nearly faint about it.... thanks God unless he got the candy not other thing else..otherwise we were sent to hospital by 911's ambulance....This is our outstanding male in Hsieh's/Shieh's family...nearly almost men are like this in the family I guess!

星期二, 9月 21, 2010


這是我非常喜歡的作品之一。在創作這些書籤時,其實我並沒有先設想要做什麼,只是先把那些印滿不同語言的"愛"字紙片,隨意亂剪 然後在用火將這些小紙片的邊緣燒一下。完成之後我就隨意的把他們貼在名片大小的卡片上,然後在根據當下看到卡片的感覺隨意創作! 一開始時我其實不知道要把這張書籤做什什麼樣子,可是就是很奇妙當我完成時,就變成了兩個坐在一起的人的背影。我把他命名為"陪伴" 原因是我有一群年輕時代陪伴著我的好友們! 大家都是從不同國家來的但是卻在一起做了很都有趣的事一起度過很多人生的高潮跟低谷呢!雖然我們無法常常見面或是連絡但是那些美好時光真是令我記憶猶新。

我不知道你是否也曾有這樣和你在一起陪伴你經歷人生某些重要時刻的朋友?如果有就請好好的珍惜那份友情吧! 如果沒有也不要太沮喪喔! 因為上帝應許我們 祂總不撇下也不離棄我們! 所以試著來到神的家中 到教會來享受這份從神而來的"愛的團契"吧! 相信你也會經歷到上帝在我們身上很奇妙的愛與作為呢!

This is one of my favorite bookmakers. I do enjoy in creating them by my bare hands. I burned the side of the paper first then stuck it to somewhere on the card which with the usual size of business card. After that, I just drew the image from the expression of that paper with unplanned sharps. I got no idea about this piece of paper at first. Somehow I finished it as two people they are side by side sitting together after I started my first line on it. There must be many times that we were not alone to deal with our lives issues whatever it’s sadness, happiness, or joyfulness. It’s really so great to have someone who accompany us in the moments we needed. I have a group of friends who are from different countries but we shared our lives overseas during our young ages. We might not contact each other or see others so often. However, I always remember those warmth and happiness moments with them. That’s the word “accompany” meant. So, is there anyone who accompany with you in anything else? If you do, then please treasure those moments with her/him. If there is no one who can share the life with you do not feel depressed about it. There is the one who promise us He will always be with us and never forsake neither leave us. He is Jesus. So, come and talk to Jesus and for sure you will experience about His unbelievable works on us!

耶和華沙龍Jehovah- Shalom

耶和華沙龍意指"主是平安"! 在這個世上有很多的宗教都將平安是為宗教的精神及重點之一, 然而真正的平安只有一種! 在我還沒認識耶穌之前我總以為平安就是指凡事很順利或是快樂。然而在認識主之後,我發現我雖然還是需要面對許多的困難,經歷許多的挫折,還有面對許多不是很好相處甚至處處找我麻煩的人,可是在那些過程中我卻每次都能安然度過且全身而退。那就是真正的平安! 也是上帝對我們的祝福,因為主就是平安所以凡是信靠祂的雖在暴風雨中還是有平安在,因為我們深知在暴風雨中為我們掌舵的是神自己不是別人!

耶和華沙龍 -主是平安! 願您平安!

 “Jehovah- Shalom” is the meaning of The Lord is peace. Many of religions like to state “Peace” as the key spiritual portion in the faith they believed. However, there is only one peace what are differ and different from the peace from mankind in this world. I thought that peace was the meaning of we felt good and happy before I knew Christ. However, the real peace from God, on the other hand sated as God Himself is peace, is really different. We may still face the difficulties from this world, those uneasy circumstances in our lives, and those not easygoing people around us. However, we surely have peace and strength to deal and know how to go for our next step as this is the promise from God. 

耶和華路以Jehovah- Raah

謝妹妹跟我說她喜歡斑馬 (她明明就喜歡小豬豬) 所以我就畫了一隻小斑馬給他鑑賞一下. 這張書簽的字"耶和華路以"是指主是我牧者,這正好和我最喜歡的詩篇23篇互相呼應呢!是阿這一生當中有上帝當我們的牧者真是一大祝福呢! 最棒的是這世界上只有神的愛是無條件的,我們雖然禱告但是卻不需要做任何償還呢!

Rebecca asked me to draw a zebra for her. I asked her "why?" She replied that she liked it. Therefore, I drew it for her. The calligraphy words "Jehovah- Raah" are stand as the Lord is my shepherd. It has been recalled with Psalms 23 and it's one of my favorite Psalms. Ya, It's really good to have Lord to guide us so that we do not need to worry too much because there will always be someone (Jesus) who loves us with unconditional love.

只要信凡事都能Everything is possible with the faith in God.

這張小卡的背景是著名的法國巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔, 小鳥其實是小型的禽鳥,可是我卻刻意的把它畫的跟巴黎鐵塔一樣高,原因是因為 在神沒有難成的事!正如書籤上的經文只要信凡事都能! 我不知道您是否曾經經歷過上帝其妙偉大的回應跟大能呢? 我到目前為止已經經歷過無數次的神奇事情!真的,實在好奇妙! 所以別再猶豫了啦! 試一試, 只要信 您將會和我一樣經歷到很神奇的平安跟恩典喔!
The background of this card is the famous tourist attraction "La Tour Eiffel" where is located at Paris. The bird I drew is a kind of smaller avain. I purposely drew it with the high similar to the La Tour Eiffel. It's all because of the wo⋯⋯rds from Jesus in Mark chapter 9 verse 23. "Jesus said, “Everything is possible for him who believes." I do not know if you ever experience about God's amazing answers and powers? However, it's so true that everything is possible with God. So just believe Him and you will on a path full of mercy and grace.

星期五, 9月 17, 2010

Funny Esther 搞笑小公主姐姐

Esther went to church with me. I asked her must be quiet during the service time. She promised that she would read her book and would not bother me. After we set down she started to read her story book “The story about Sun Bo” with loudly voice. I reminded her with the gesture of quiet. She nodded and was really quiet. Esther was pulling my clothes when the time pastor asked all people closed the eyes and prayed. So I opened my eyes and asked her why? She replied me with the gesture “quiet” and spoke to me in a very funny tone “ be quiet oh. Because people here were sleeping..” wow, then many people were disturbing by her and could not stop to laugh. My dears, they were not sleeping. They just closed the eyes and prayed lah….

小公主姊姊跟我去教會,去之前我們約法三章 我跟她說不能吵喔! 她說好, 她會自己讀書不會吵我! 然後帶著一本叫做小黑桑波的故事書去。 結果,當我正在聽牧師講道時, 她竟然真的在讀書 (大聲的念出 小黑桑波的故事 ...) 後來我制止他 並且跟她比 噓 安靜的手勢! 結果, 好笑的在後面! 忽然牧師說一起低頭禱告。 當我正禱告時,姐姐拉拉我的手,並且比出噓不要吵的手勢! 當我正想稱讚她時,她卻很不小聲的說:『姑姑! 噓~ 不能吵喔! 因為後面的人都睡著了…』 結果是”笑翻 一堆正在禱告的人! 姊姊! 人家是閉眼禱告耶! 又不是在睡覺… 無言以對的姑姑!

Pic-幫阿嬤綁完頭髮後 得意的笑容 she was so happy to design grand mom's hair style

Marking Paper 改考卷

Marking Paper 改考卷

My cousin and his wife were so busy for their business in China; therefore, I was visiting their children (my nephew Jerry and niece Angela) once a week. One day, Angela asked me about my job as a teacher. She said that she would like to be a teacher in the future. I was so surprised about her dream. So I asked her what is the matter make her want to be a teacher? Jerry and she replied me that because of there must be funs to mark paper with red color pens. As a result, I made a deal with them in helps for marking paper in the end of the semester.

Of course I did not let them mark the papers; I finished my marking paper job in the first stage and asked them to double check my markers. Jerry was quiet enjoy this job and he smile all the time. An hour later, we finished our jobs. Jerry looked so satisfied with it. Therefore, I asked him “Jerry, why you smiled all the time?” He answered me” Gu-Gu (Auntie) your students were so stupid!” I replied “why?” He said” They must not study hard, so they had these kind of bad results…. Worse than mine for many times…”

去年我的堂弟和弟妹都忙著在大陸出差,因此我最少每一週去他們家探望他們的小孩 哥哥Jerry和 妹妹 Angela. 有一次 妹妹忽然跟我說:「姑姑 我長大也要當老師」我聽了之後很訝異 反問她 「為什麼」她跟哥哥 七嘴八舌的說:『當老師很好玩 因為可以用紅筆改考卷…』於是我跟她們約定期末考時他們可以幫忙我改考卷!學期末時,我把考卷改好成績也算好了,但是為了遵守約定 所以我還是請他們兩個幫忙算考卷上的題目有多少答對的題數跟答錯的…從來沒有看過哥哥那麼有興趣過, 他一邊算一邊微笑一副很有成就感樣…考卷的成績算完後 (其實他們也複習了數學) 小三 的哥哥一臉得意樣 欲言又止…所以我開口問他『哥哥 你在笑什麼』 沒想到他回答我說 『大姑姑 你的學生很笨耶』我不解的問『為什麼?』他說『他們一定很不用功 考得那麼差 比我還糟糕』哈哈哈 真是童言童語阿 不過我也無法跟他解釋 那個考試成績只占一小部分啦 且我早就算好 也加過分了 要不他一定更覺得這些大學生實在是….

pic 1 Esther and JerryPic 2 Angela and Esther

Rebecca's funny words 童言童語

Rebecca is the cutest one in my family. She presented herself as the cutest and beautiful Mei-mei princess. One day, I was playing with her and she murmured some words I could not understand. So I was so wondering about it... In the end I used cantonese to tell her that " I can't understand' sounds like I am not a dog in Chinese. So she nodded. I found her action about this cantonese was so funny so I kept to ask her " Rebecca, can you talk in cantonese?" ( "can you talk" in cantonese sounds like are you a dog in Chinese) she was feedback me with a sorrow face expression so quick with the Chinese words " not a dog! I am not a dog"... ha ha ha so I tried to explain to her about the meaning of that Cantonese, the result is she still insist that she is not a dog... (pls see her pic in my file) by the way she is only 2 years old.

妹妹是我們家最搞笑的小朋友 她才兩歲多 她說她是最美麗且可愛的妹妹小公主 但是我卻覺得她真是有姑姑我的遺傳好笑的不得了 前些時後 我在家陪她玩 她說了一些我聽不懂的話 於是為了要逗她 我用廣東話跟她說 " 我不識聽也不識講" 結果沒想到她竟然微笑的點點頭, 好玩極了 所以為了測試她 姑姑我 就用了廣東話問她 "你識不識講" 沒想到她很急的搖頭並且用哭音回我" 不識講" 我心裡正訝異她竟然會說廣東話時, 這時她的下一句是 " 我不是狗啦 不是狗..."留下姑姑我三條線 .....哈哈哈

星期一, 9月 13, 2010

十架的路 The Path with God

十架的路 The Path with God

This article will write in Chinese follow by English version.


沒有金銀 沒有財寶








當下不明白 日後卻結出平安的果子

喔 十架的道路是神為我預備的路


這是我在今年一月份時有感而發寫的一篇小短文。還記得那一天我在醫院的走廊上看到一位正在哭泣的婦人,她哭的好傷心。於是我走近她的身旁問她發生何事?原來是她在為她的先生辦理住院手續的時候,她的先生忽然過世了。後來經過深入了解,原來她和她的先生是宣教士。 他們從遙遠的國度來到台灣在醫院中幫助那些困苦的、貧乏的、傷心的人,不但把自己的財物都獻給這塊土地的人最後甚至連生命都獻上。

這個宣教士沒有任何的保險經濟也真是困難呢!我當時其實薪水很少,少的不可思議,但是當下被感動做了一個決定把口袋中僅有的大鈔500元拿出來,給了那個宣教士的太太。我跟她說:「雖然這錢不多但是多少有幫助且是上帝要給她的」然後我們互相擁抱,後來她跟我分享了許多關於他們在醫院服侍的事, 在離開前我為她做了一個禱告,並且告訴她說:「感謝上帝,因為有一天我們在天家還會再見面且我相信上帝過去如何使用她的先生,在他死後還是會繼續使用他為主做見證…」。直到現在我都還記得那位宣教士的太太在禱告過後破涕為笑的面容呢!


The Path with God

The path with God is without a lot of money and property but full of joyfulness.

The path with God is without those luxury cars and expensive houses but fulfill with lots of amazing graces and blessings.

The path with God is a way leads people from the darkness to the hopefulness. It is also the only way for bearing the fruits with mercy and peace.

People may not agree or seem to understand about the path with God. However, this is the way God is calling me to walk with. It’s also the way God is preparing for me. For now on I will follow the path with God and walk in it with Him during my life time.

This note above was written around January this year. I always remember that day with a story of a missionary’s death. I saw a lady who was crying badly somewhere around the hospital’s corridor. I was so queries about what’s up to that lady, therefore, I walked closer to her and asked if she needed help indeed. She shared with me that her husband just passed away while she was away for helping him to register for hospitalized. During the conversation with her, I discovered that her husband and she were both missionaries overseas to Taiwan. They spent the rest of time and money in hospitals for those patients and their families in needs. The missionary was sold out all the money to Taiwan just for devoting God’s loves to those strangers he never knew before. In the end, he even devoted his own life here.

People may think that they were so foolish to give up their better lives in their own country to Taiwan. The most pathetic thing was the missionary dead even without any cents for his funeral. However, I know that’s not true. I was so encouraged and touched by what they did to my people here. I gave what I had in my pocket (not really a big sum) to the missionary’s wife and prayed with her together. In the end of our prayer, she gave me a big smile and we comforted each other by hugging and knowing that the missionary was in Heaven with God and was going to be used by God even he passed away.

Yes, it seems silly to give up everything and following Jesus. However, the path with God is full of amazing graces and joyfulness what is really different from this world. And the words of this bookmarker is not only remaining me about that missionary’s story but also telling me that how great for Jesus die and paid His life to all of us.

星期日, 9月 12, 2010

Rejoice 歡呼

英文的“rejoice ”是一個動詞意指快樂。它使我想起我的已故的祖母。我的阿嬤是一位受日本教育美麗且優雅的淑女。她和我的祖父是因為我的大伯公(我爺爺的大哥)當媒人而結婚的。但是 最令人不可思議的是我的姑婆 也就是爺爺的妹妹竟是是我祖母的同班同學。我其實還真不明白,為什麼有人可以不用談戀愛就結婚。不過,我永遠記得,在婚姻生活中 我的阿嬤總是微笑的面對她所面臨的任何困難。

她的晚年因著阿公過世及癌症而受了不少苦。雖然,她其實很理解她的健康狀況,但仍在我們面前表現出很堅強的模樣。很多人也許不明白,為什麼她要在我們面前故做堅強。不過,因為我是和阿嬤很親近的孫女,因此我可以理解,這完全是出自於她對我們的愛,她只是想鼓勵我們 ,不讓我們擔心。

她在世的最後一句話是台語的三個"好"用以回答牧師的三個問題。我永遠記得那一天,牧師和從教堂來的兄弟姐妹來到她的床邊探望她. 牧師問她是否願意耶穌幫助她,減輕她的痛苦並且和她在一起? 她彷彿用盡全身的元氣回答說,好 她想耶穌幫助她,安慰她,並與她起一起。在那之後阿嬤陷入很長的昏迷然後就離開這個世界了。對我而言 阿嬤只是暫時的離開 這張書籤做完後我忽然很想阿嬤 。 而書籤中可愛的熊讓我聯想到,現在她一定在天上和耶穌一起唱歌和跳舞。而且,有一天,我將會再見到她且和她一起在哪裡歡呼呢。

"Rejoice" is a verb to define as an action of joyful or happy. It reminds me about my late grandmother. My grandmother was a delicate and elegant lady. She was educated with Japaness background and was wed with my grandfather by a matchmaker. Her matchmaker was my grandpa's eldest brother. The most incredible thing was my grand auntie who was my grand father's younger sister was my grandmother's classmate. I really did not understand that why people were married without falling in love with others. However, I always remember that my grandmother always smile to those difficulties whatever she was facing in her marrige life.

She was suffering with cancer during her later live. That was the moment I closed to her in deepth. Although, she was very understanding about her health condition but still remained as faithfulness in believing that she would be cured in front of us. People may not understand that why she wanted to do it. However, as I was the very closed grand child to her, I could understand that due to her devoted love to us she just wanted to cheer us up.

Her last words in this earth were three yes for answering pastor's three questions while the pastor with a group of sisters and brothers from church came to her bedside to visit her. I always remember that day when she replied that yes she wanted Jesus to help her , comfort her and be with her. This bookmarker with the word rejoice just comfirmed me that my grandmother is now in heaven singing and dancing with Jesus. And, yes one day I will meet her and join her for rejoicing.

星期六, 9月 11, 2010

I know who holds tomorrow 我知誰掌管明天

"I know who holds tomorrow" is one of my favorite hymns. It starts with "I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day. I don't borrow from its sunshine,For its skies may turn to gray. Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand;But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand.....". Yes, there may have lot of things happened tomorrow but whatever the things are, God will always be the path with us.

Ostrich is one kind of animal what to be represented as someone who does not face the difficulties and just put the head underground as if he can't see anything else then the bad things will not happen. Well, that's really a misunderstanding for this big bird. However, the point of the way for ostrich face the problems makes me get different ideas about it.   I think ostrich is the most humble and faithful big bird in the world. It may because it knows who holds tomorrow and who is going to help it. As those calligraphy words "I don't worry about tomorrow" in this bookmarker, yes there is not thing to worry. God will lead our way and will hold our hands.Wow, this may be a gift for someone who just made a deal with me. he he he

"我知誰掌管明天"是我很喜歡的一首聖詩 中文的歌詞是這樣的:"我不知明天將如何,每一天只為主活,我不借明天的陽光,因明天或不晴朗,我不要為將來憂慮,因我信主的應許,我今天要與主同行,因祂知前面路程。有許多未來的事情,我現在不能識透,但我知誰掌管明天,我也知誰牽我手。...."是的,明天有可能會發生很多我們無法參透的事情,但不管發生什麼事情,我相信上帝都將永遠與我們同在。


這個書籤上的這些書法字是篆體的“我不為明天憂慮“! 真的,我們不需要為明天憂煩,因為我相信不管發生何事上帝都會牽著我們的手和我們一同度過。哇,這張書籤也許會成為剛和我達成某種協議的...金小姐的禮物喔! 哈哈哈

星期五, 9月 10, 2010

My new art work

看到這張有草做背景的小卡片讓我昨晚一直想到SARS時我最愛的是詩篇23篇於是昨晚就一直想要在卡片上弄一隻羊上去,今天下午休息時 終於忍不住製作了這半成品,不過這張是要給自己的喔!

This card has green background with pastures. It reminds me about the verses from Psalms 23 what was my favorite part from bible during the SARS period while I was hospitalised. I started to make this card as a bookmarker in my mind last night. Finally, I made it during the rest time. My work on this bookmarker is not finishing yet. Also, this is the bookmarker belong to me..will not be released to others. he he he...

星期四, 9月 09, 2010

God sent icecream- my favor NZ icecream


It's a story how I got the icecream to eat with mom Lindy. We went to Sir buliding to extent my visiting visa in Singapore. On the way along the long& bor ing waiting line I just saw an officer who⋯⋯ looked like a star named Hsieh, Chou Huang but was handsomer than him. So I was betting with my god mother while there was only 5 people in front of me that if I was served by that handsome sir. Well, due to it's so called betting, so there must be the reward for the winner. Mom said that if I was served by that No. 38 counter then she would treat me a NZ icecream which I favored the most. However, if I lost then I shoud keep fit and on diet. As a christian of course, I could use the only way and works all the times' method to win the bet. I prayed for it. Wow, that's so excited while I was the front one for calling. I might go to either counter 43 or 38. So I kept my prayers in my mind. Bingo! In the end I was in counter 38 and served by that officer. People was queries about my shout of joy while I was calling to that counter. 3 days later, mom took me for that icecream. I had the 3 scoops one. See, God cares all our needs and prayers even the smallest thing like this. I know that when ever we pray He will answer. I do not know what God is going to answer and give to you. However, I believe that prayers can make things possible. So try to pray in Jesus's name and you will experience what I had.

This was the story translated from my blog on year 2006



This is a gift (bookmarker) which I made for one of sisters in church. I just knew her. She was baptised 2 weeks ago. The big calligraphy word is "Love" in Chinese. The small one says "there is no fear in Love" and which is from 1 John 4:18 in bible. Thanks God for this card because it let us has some ideas about the expansion of new⋯⋯ church buliding. Our care group is going to make some of cards for rising the money in church's founding.

這是一份禮物(書籤),我親手做來送給一位2個星期前剛洗禮的姊妹。那句愛裡沒有懼怕是來自於聖經約翰一書 4:18。感謝上帝給我靈感做這張卡片,因為它讓我們有一些想法。我們的小組將會做出一些卡片義賣用來幫助教會建堂. 且這義賣會很有趣會跟我每年包給學生的糖果形式有點像..敬請期待..
PS這書籤後面有磁鐵可直接黏在書上,然後那書遷中的那顆心的字 是不同語言的愛 是我用火燒出來的喔 很有趣吧 另外今年聖誕節 需要小禮物的請預約 嘿嘿嘿 因為我打算不包糖果還有寫小卡片 所以謝神算 今年要休息一下