
星期一, 9月 27, 2010

The juicy news about a child and an elderly on the Bus 公車上的八卦新聞-老人與小孩

The juicy news about a child and an elderly on the Bus 公車上的八卦新聞-老人與小孩

大部分來台灣旅遊的朋友都會告訴我,當他們回到自己的國家時 ,他們會一定會想念台灣的八卦新聞時。嗯,我不知道怎麼評論我們台灣的新聞環境和它真正的問題。但是新聞自由向來是許多台灣人感到非常自豪的一件事,因為它代表著我們的國家在一定程度上是被意義為自由的民主的。然而,從教育的觀點看問題,我認為我們的媒體需要付出大量的社會責任。而看新聞的人也需要接受訓練,成為一個聰明人的觀看者。

這條關於一位年約10 歲小朋友與老人家在公車上為了位子而大聲吵架的新聞報導,真正震撼我的不是孩子和老人間的爭執,而是新聞之後接踵而來的批判跟負面情緒。新聞說這個小學生把他的袋子放在身旁的位置上而老人家把袋子移開放到地上引起孩子的不滿於是兩造產生爭執…最後記者給了一個結論是小學生謾罵老人家。

該則新聞並沒有完整的呈現當時,老人如何把孩子的袋子放在車上的地板上,但是卻誘導觀眾”現在的小朋友不尊敬長輩” 且引發出大量的不良情緒反應。我很驚訝因為我周圍的一些人也參加這場戰爭在搞不清楚狀況下就開始回應這篇新聞甚至批判呢! 事實上,這一則新聞並沒有真正給予我們足夠的客觀信息和真相。然而,大多數人只看到了一部分的故事,就以非常公義的姿態加入評述。

我一直記得不久前一個我在去國立台灣大學附屬醫院開會的公車上發生了一件好玩的事。一位上了年紀的人上了公車上,他看到公共汽車上充滿了人,也沒有人讓位讓他坐。他於是很憤怒也很生氣,特別當他看到有人比他更年輕並且佔領了一個座位不讓座。於是,開始對司機抱怨,並說他將投訴司機沒有要求其他乘客讓座給老人。他甚至說,美國比台灣尊重老人 ...。等等等等...我試圖跟這位老人家溝通。而公車司機也為此向我致謝, 謝謝我同理他也幫助他處理這些問題。然而,老人下車後,真的震驚我們的是那個年輕人。當那青年人,從她的座位站起來準備下車時,很明顯的看得出來她是長短腳的肢障人士。

昨晚我和我媽分享這個故事後,我媽媽也分享了一個發生在她身上的故事。她說,有一次他身體極不舒服到醫院就診,回家時坐在公共汽車上的座位上。這時身旁站者一位老人家,在一般狀下媽媽是會讓位的!可是那一天身體真的極為不適覺得自己快暈倒了,於是沒有讓座(我媽那時血紅素不足有貧血的現象而我在澳洲所以無法陪她就醫)。 這時,一位穿著慈濟制服的志工非常正義且理直氣壯在不明白前因後果下,公然的在公車上大聲的指責我媽媽沒有讓位是做錯事,….。當然,我媽沒有給予任何回應。


PS 我當然不覺得那孩子是對的,只是我們在教育孩子的同時也需教育老人啊! 如果當時老人尊重一下孩子不倚老賣老覺得他最大也許孩子也不會生氣,甚至可以對孩子有個良好的教育示範呢!而這則新聞如果在報導時可以把正向的事跟見解說出來也極具教育意義呢! 而不是引發出一堆負面的情緒但是卻沒有真的建言,只是讓觀眾知道說小孩子會跟老人吵架卻未給任何的建樹,讓老人、小孩或是社會大眾知道該如何做才不會有類似事情發生呢!

Most of friends told me that they would miss the juicy news in Taiwan when they back to their own countries. Well, I do not know how to comment the news environment and the real issue regarding to it in Taiwan. Many Taiwanese are very proud of it as it states we are a liberty country in a sense of freedoms. However, from the perspectives in the educational viewing point, I think the media need to pay lots of responsibilities in our society. People who watch the news also need to be trained as a wise man for feedbacks.

The news reported that an aged 10 child who was shouting and arguing with an elderly on the bus due to the encapable issue of the priority seats. The child was sitting on the bus and placed his school bag on the empty seat next to him. The male elderly drag this child’s bag from the seat to the floor without asking and sat next to the child. The child was so angry about the behavior from that elderly. Therefore, they shout to each other. The video did not present that how the elderly put the child’s bag on the bus floor but only shows that how they argued. In the end of this story, the news reporter stated and concluded that the child did not respect of elderly… and it inducing lots of bad emotions from the news watchers. I was quite surprise due to some of people around me were also join the war of “youths seem not respect the elders nowadays.”

This news did not really give us the enough information of how the argument started. However, most of people only saw the part of the stories and feedback it with very rouse words and judgments.

I always remember that was one story happened on my way to National Taiwan University hospital. An elderly person was on the bus and he saw the bus was full of people and there was no vacancy in priority seats for him to sit. He was so anger about it because he saw someone who looked younger than him and occupied a seat. Therefore, he complained it to the bus driver and stated that he was going to mail the bus company due to the poor service about the seat matters. He even stated that American was so great in respecting of elderly than Taiwan…. Blah blah... I tried to feedback to that elderly with peace. The bus driver was giving thanks to me for helping him to deal with the issues. However, after the elderly got off from the bus, some picture was really shocked us. The youth got off from her seat and while she was walking we recognized that she was a disability person whose legs were injures with different length. I shared this story to my mom after that news while I heard my dad was giving comment about the poor education for children nowadays. My mom was feedback me her story about it after listening to my story. She said that she went to hospital for seeing a doctor and was seating on the bus after that. She was quite uncomfortable and really could not give up her seat to an elderly next to her. A religious lady from chu-zi (a very famous Buddhist organization) acted very righteous and pointed that my mom did the wrong thing of not gave the seat to the elder people on the way home… my mom said that she was willing to give the seat to the elderly who in needs with the good health conditions. However, that lady seemed very righteous without knowing the true story and humiliation my mom in public was really made her very uncomfortable. Of course, my mom did not reply any words to that lady.

This is very interesting that we always like to pass our comments and opinions in a very fresh and quick way. However, bible says that be quick in hearing, slow in words, slow to get angry. It’s very important to be a wise man for responding the news and things around us than be a very talkative fool who just pass the words and feelings without self controlled.

Face 面對

Face 面對

有許多年我非常投入我的工作、教會生活還有每年兩次3-4個月的新加坡生活。 寒暑假時我總是會離開台灣到新加坡去,原因除了那裡有我的另一個家(新加坡媽媽我的乾媽的家)外,其實就是想要真的休息,暫時離開台灣這個有許多界線不清的環境中。 也許在華人的文化中界線不清已是常態, 但回國這麼多年我還是不能適應的很好。常常在放假時總是會接到跟工作相關的電話,也不是那麼急的事,但是就是非得打壞一個好的心情,所以人在放假心卻掛著工作,而工作時又不禁想著下一個假期何時才會來…。這實在是一個非常糟糕的惡性循環呢!

很多人都以為那些在我們放假時還會打電話耳提面命我們關於工作的事的人,是非常負責任的人。而我卻認為,這些人其實是患了大頭症過度的負責。說的比較委婉一點是他們真的好會替我們著想也很負責任。可是時間一久,你將會發現其實他們是一點都不負責任呢。打電話的目的不是為了解決問題,而是想把責任撇清然後又多方的傳達他/她 做了多少不得了的事情,多麼的辛苦….。把自己宣揚的多偉大多不得了, 好像這世界沒有了她/他 就無法運轉呢! 然後更可悲了是,這些人常常又利用這樣的機會踩在我們的頭上,目的只是為了爬到一個更好的位子。 聖經上說,日光之下沒有新事。我常常為這樣的人感到可憐!他們也許看似會爬得比我們快一點或是得到某些好處, 可是很妙的是這樣的人常常也會在我們都想像不到的情況下而垮台呢!日光下沒有新事發生,這些事將會不斷的在我們的生命中上演,而這樣的人我們也會不斷的遇到呢! 所以最好的妙招是真實的面對自我, 並且尋求神的指引跟幫助, 然後你將會有意想不到的收穫喔!
For many years, I was quite enjoyed my lives in works, church and another family in Singapore. In fact, I went to Singapore every half a year during my university holidays were because of I needed some kinds of released from Taiwan. There are many ambiguous boundaries in Chinese culture. For example, while I am off from work I may get the call from the office for some thinly matters which is not really emergency. Therefore it becomes a bad circle in between works and holidays. It always needs to be aware for office’s phone calls during the holidays while I really need a break and also cannot stop in thinking of the next holidays while I am working. However, go overseas will always be the best way to avoid this kind of situations. That because of people may know that they cannot reach you by phone so they will only e mails you when the things seem to be important.

I always believe that this world will not stop because of anyone of us. As bible says that everything happens under the sun and there is no new thing under sun. There are some people who seem responsible for works and always try to call others who are in holidays for some kinds of working stuffs they think it’s very important. However, I named these over-responsible people as “big-headed”. They use to performance themselves as very royalty in their job and try to tell others that how hard they work for. In the end, you might find out that because of she/ he wants to step up for claiming up in the better positions. So that, she/ he try to announce that how great she/ he is but never pay any attention about the truth or dealing with any problems. I really feel pity of this kind of persons. They may once get the great position however failure in that position as fast as we cannot image. There is no new thing under sun. So, face our true selves and ask God for guiding, you will find that is really full of peace and wonderful things.