
星期二, 11月 30, 2010


找到一些好玩的文章 這是我和我們班的同學一起去某養護中心當志工的紀錄呢 哇 好久沒有一起手牽著手禱告 但是感謝主 因為到如今 主都看顧我的學生們!


上帝真的好神奇!好奇妙! 當我開始把眼光轉回祂轉向祂的身上時,一切奇妙喜樂的事物又開始發生了!而那些原本讓我很煩甚至讓我覺得很沈重很討厭的事還有那個人對我而言就真的不那麼重要了!今天晚上上課時,學生問我『老師!你今天心情是不是很好?』我楞了一下,沒想到前一陣子我被這些屬世的事搞到焦頭爛額,甚至連回系上都覺得很沈重,而這群小瓜竟然也感受到那種不安的情緒,於是我笑笑的點點頭!原因沒有別的,因為我那群寶貝學生!

中午和我的班導生一群十多人到學校附近的養護中心,這原是學務處早早就安排的活動,可是我很意外的是參加的竟然全是我們班的學生!這一陣子我對他們可真是很感冒喔!他們先是在課堂上對其它的老師態度極差非常的不禮貌,又在我的班會課上頭對我當眾也是有情緒上的反應,雖然對象不是我是他們的學姐,但是我對於這種不分紅皂白為了反對而反對的行為實在很不以為然,可是上帝又要我們愛不可愛的人,所以對於他們我正處於極度的失望與矛盾中,但是真的是萬萬沒想到,上帝就是這麼的愛我們,為我們預備今日下午的時間讓我們真的體驗到神的愛和祂奇妙的作為!車子一路上開到目的地,到了養護中心之後,我們在門口集合,幾個有到過這個養護中心的學生,開始給大家行前說明為大家打預防針,啟程前我們臨時被告知要為這些心智有障礙的大小朋友帶活動,下車後又聽到說這些小朋友有些已經四十多歲但是心智年齡卻都只有幼稚園,會控制不住情緒常常尖叫或是會有些親密的動作會亂摸...全部的人因此更加緊張與焦慮不安,於是我叫住大家,我問他們說『好不好我們一起圍個圓圈手握起來一起來禱告』於是我們便在養護中心外頭禱告求上帝的愛澆灌我們並且賜我們智慧讓我們知道要如何帶活動如何跟他們玩在一起,並且用了那句主耶穌說你們坐在一個小弟兄身上的就是坐在我身上的經文!上帝真的好神奇,兩個多小時的活動雖然當中有銜接不上的冷場的時候,可是卻沒有小朋友發生上回祂們所經歷的負面經驗,不但如我們的禱告般很平安很喜樂,在當中還有好幾幕的畫面深深的感動著我們,當中有個大朋友(四十多歲)他雖然智商不高也五音不全可是卻很完整也不卻場的唱了『車站』那首歌,然後一個接著一個小朋友很盡情的唱著歌,當她們的歌身在我的耳邊響起時我的眼眶都紅了,學生們也是,最後我們放了音樂和她們一起跳舞收場....結束後他們很高興也很捨不得的和我們擊掌道別,再等待其他系上的勞教學生同時,我們步行參觀整座教養院,我跟學生們說『你們平時蹺課就算了,怎麼連舞都不會跳不會玩呢?...』沒想到他們忽然回答我說『因為很感動也很難過所以才會放不開』然後當我跟教官說完話往他們中間走過去時,沒想到大家盡然圍了個圓圈,有幾個人跟我說『老師快給我們ending』我不解的問什麼ending?不是結束了嗎?結果開始有人把手牽起來說要禱告要感謝上帝...我那時真的被他們嚇了一大跳,對阿要感謝上帝,於是我們再次一起禱告,我們求神來祝福這群院童也感謝神讓我們四肢健全更求神原諒我們的過犯....禱告一完那個叫老鼠差點被1/2的學生盡然對著我唱起『讚美主 哈利路亞』的詩歌,我當場也跟他一起唱一起做動作,我真的是好感謝上帝,雖然這個學生在課業上的表現不佳可是看見他今天在帶這些小朋友的活動時這麼盡情這麼投入,我真的是為他大大的感恩與讚美神!上帝真的好神奇,因為上學期是一個一個的學生來找我談來找我禱告可是這一陣子卻是一群又一群喔!且祂真的是聽禱告的神!真的靠人的愛是有限的,但是唯有上帝是那個永恆是那個永遠不離棄我們的神!所以當愛那些不可愛的,可愛的孩子已經夠多人愛了,可愛的孩子被別人愛是理所當然的,可是那些我們很頭痛的孩子原本就缺乏愛,如果我們再不愛他們那就真的可憐沒人愛了(但是還是有主耶穌愛)!感謝主!藉由今天下午發生的這些美麗的事提醒我也讓我們一群人不但是再次仰望主經歷主也大大的被這些院童的單純天真所感動喔!因此我們稱他們是上帝送來的小天使!



星期四, 11月 18, 2010

About the marriage 關於婚姻

English will follow by Chinese


前幾天,姐姐小公主在我回家吃晚餐時,忽然很認真的看著我然後跟我說:「姑姑! 我好愛你喔!」我回她:「我也好愛你啊!」 「因為我好愛你所以我要送你一樣非常珍貴的禮物」她一邊說著一邊拿出紙和彩色筆,開始塗鴉起來! 通常我對於她的作品是喜愛的不得了,因為她大概有遺傳到我們藝術的天份,她的圖真是會讓我們會心一笑呢!可是那天她畫了一位新娘送給我,給我時還特別交代說:「這是很美的新娘喔!」哇!收到後心裡還真是….覺得很特別啦!因為他老是愛畫些好玩的東西給我,這還是第一次畫新娘送我呢! 接著我發現這美麗的新娘手中沒有捧花,於是我要她加一束花上去,她一開始時拒絕我,很認真的跟我說:「不可以啦! 她還沒跟新郎結婚不可以拿花」嘿嘿! 最後她不但畫了花還著了很棒的顏色呢!那幅畫現在被貼在她專屬的藝術牆上展示著,改天我再把它照下來,放上來供大家觀賞。

曾經有人跟我討論關於婚姻的問題或是想法。我要先聲明的是1.我的性向正常2.我也不是一定不婚啦! 只是多數的時候,我都不會很正面的回應或是回答這個問題。原因很簡單,我覺得目前的我真的還沒準備好要進入這樣的關係中。而且,事實上我嗎! 童心還未泯再來就是我其實也有點害怕婚姻。原因是從小到大在我們偉大的家族中看見奶奶、媽媽、嬸嬸、伯母、嬸婆…等為了家庭如此的犧牲奉獻一輩子,我覺得她們完全被這個家綁住了,而我知道自己不可能那樣也不想那樣,更害怕那樣呢!因此我是有害怕在的!雖然,她們看起來很幸福也很偉大但是我真的是佩服那些已經為人婦的堂姊妹或是嫁進來的嫂嫂們、弟妹們呢! 哈哈!至於會不會結婚,這個問題也沒有絕對的答案啦! 因為信了上帝後,一切都在祂的手上所以我最好不要隨便斷言喔! 這樣的答案,看官你滿意嗎? (不滿意也沒辦法)。

For me the word “Marriage” is a kind of very close and holy relationship what is given by God. Chinese people would like to state Yuan as a relationship by God in lots of occasions. I think in some way it may link to Christianity.

Few days ago, my little niece Esther told me that she loved me very much therefore she was going to give me a very pleasure gift. Then she started to draw something on a paper for me. She said “this was my gift for you because of I love you.” I was very happy to get whatever she drew to me. But this one was really made me feel quite special and different. Guess what she drew? She drew a very beautiful bride (I should take the picture and post it here later) for me. However, that bride was not holding the flowers in the 1st place. Therefore, I asked her to draw a bundle of flower on it. She replied “No” at first and said that the bride did not get marry yet so she couldn’t have flower on her hands. Well, in the end she added the flower in and colored it then posted on her artworks wall where is the wall for her to show any of her pictures at home.

Someone did really share or discuss something or ideas about marriage with me. Well, most of times I would be very quiet or say not thing. However, the truth is that I am not ready for this kind of relationship. It’s not because of I am not believe in marriage. I do open my mind about marriage for sure. However, it’s some kind of fears to me. I saw my mom and grandmother and so many aunties/ grand aunties who really devote most of their lives in Hsieh’s/Shieh’s family. I just do not want to live like that. It’s really a kind of fears. I mean their marriages were/are very normal and some people may think that’s harmony. However, I just cannot sacrifice my life like they do/did. They seemed very great and must be honored. But that’s never the way I want for my life. So, hello who! Are you happy with this answer?

星期三, 11月 17, 2010

Lemon Venus Orange

English will follow by Chinese
小公主姊姊跟我說她在學校吃了橘子,橘子實在好好吃! 我聽了之後有點狐疑原因是她其實是喜歡吃柳丁。為了確認她是不是分不清柳丁跟橘子,我測試了她一下,後來發現她在學校吃的是柳丁。小公主姐姐在接受訓練後已經可以分得清楚柳丁和橘子的不同。於是晚餐後我請她表演一下她的最新絕技到廚房拿顆橘子出來!嘿嘿 老師教的好!她當然拿對了啊! 這時在旁邊的妹妹看見眾人對姐姐的讚美也想要被測試! 於是我請她去廚房拿柳丁! 阿嬤怕她不知道還問了她一下,沒想到他很有把握的說”好!我知道了“ 卻拿了一顆….檸檬…很高興的回來!為了鼓勵她我們只好跟她說很棒但是這是檸檬不是柳丁啦!再去拿一次,這次她待在廚房很久…正當我們猜她該不會拿胡蘿蔔出來時,這時她又很高興的跑了出來,還大喊我找到了! 結果這次她…她…竟然抱著她的奶粉跑出來! 喔!我的天啊! 小公主妹妹 你 你 可真是搞不清楚狀況啊!

Esther told me that she ate mandarin at school and that’s really yummy. I was so surprise about it. Because of oranges suppose to be her favorite fruit. Therefore, I asked her to figure out the differences between mandarin and orange. In the end, she told me that she did not eat the mandarin at school. She ate orange. Tonight, after dinner I asked her to pick up a mandarin for me. She learned very fast and picked the right one for me. Her younger sister Rebecca was also waiting for us to assign her to pick up something. Therefore, I asked Rebecca picked up one orange for me. Rebecca was very happy and ran very fast to kitchen to pick up the orange. My mom asked her that if she knew which was orange. She replied “ yes, I knew”….then back with a lemon. So we told her that’s good but it’s lemon. She went to kitchen again….and came back with ????? her milk powder…. Oh! My God, Rebecca you are really funny!

When I am old 當我老時 Julianne, Hsieh

English will follow by Chinese

我永遠記得,修我老人護理這堂課的學生,總是會被我問到一個問題:”想想看,當您老的時候你會是什麼樣子?” 這是個很有趣的問題! 重點在於每個人都必須把他們老的時候畫出來! 當然這也是個沒有正確答案的題目。每次在進行這個活動時,總是會聽到一堆人很憂鬱的 “啊” 了出來! 但是很有趣的是多數了人的表情真是動人也很享受畫畫的時刻呢!

嘿嘿! 其時我可以向一般傳統的老師一樣,只需站在那觀察這些小瓜的動作就好了,可是別忘了我是誰? 我是謝於真耶! 是個頑皮擁有童心的澳客~ 我怎麼可呢就這樣放過這大好的機會跟他們一起玩呢? 於是我也畫了一張畫。

還記得我有好幾年所畫的內容都是” 我和我的另一半在第三世界的某個國家宣教,我們住在大草原的帳篷中沒有很好的物質享受但是每天都過得很喜樂… 一直到老的時候都是這樣…” 哇! 我想我那些寶貝學生們當時也許很受不了我因為我開口閉口還有滿腦子都是和耶穌相關的事呢!

事實上,那雖然只是一張圖畫而已,但是卻是我和神之間的約定! 我從來沒有忘記上帝對我的呼召,這真的很難解釋呢! 不知該如何說,但是相信只要正在讀這篇文章的您也像我一般經歷到主耶穌的愛跟奇妙的大能,您就會明白,這我開口閉口的上帝事多麼的真實啊! 也更能明白為什麼我會這樣了! 哇! 經歷上帝的同在一點都不難呢! 您只要向祂開口祈求,祂不會讓您失望的! 因為在信的,凡事都能!

I always remember that there was a question that I asked most of my students to answer in the Geriatric Nursing class. I asked them to image what will they be when they are old? This was the question with open answering which meant there were no such as “right” or “wrong” answers. However, they had to answer it by drawing a picture in a piece of paper what provided by me.

Well, most of students would feel depressed with the sound “ah~” when they were required to draw something on paper. However, it was interesting to see the enjoyment of drawing from their face expression. They did really enjoy and like that part of class. As a lecturer in the class, I could just do not thing and only commanded them to fulfill of my missions as a traditional teacher. But, who am I? I am Julianne the one with youthful heart! Therefore, I also joined the drawing with them.

There was a picture that I drew for many years. I drew that my husband and I who seemed to be a missionary in some 3rd world countries for our mission works. We were staying in the tent in the natural environment and there was the joyfulness full our daily lives. I think my students might think that I was out of my mind due to there was all about the Jesus in my thoughts and conversations.

In fact, although there was only a picture but it’s a very important deal for me. I never forgot my calling from God. It’s very hard to explain about it. However, once when you experience HIM you will know how true HE is and why I am like this. It’s really simple to experience Jesus in our lives. What we have to do it’s just inviting HIM into our lives and whatever we ask surely HE will answer. Everything is possible by faith with Jesus.

星期一, 11月 15, 2010

Best friends 最好的朋友

The English will follow by Chinese






What would be a best friend like? Someone ever described “a best friend is who can share everything with.” However, I think that as a best friend she/he can understand whatever we are doing and support us in any kinds of way. I have to say that I am a very blessing person with a lots of supports from people who surrounding me.

There were a group of best friends who were also my colleagues in the University. We do not have the same faith in the religions but share the same passion in the perspectives of our educational career.

Most of people might think that we shared the same ideas and would agree with one another. However, we did argue all the times during our faculty meetings with different points of view. We argued, disagreed with the ideas which were not convinced us in the meetings but still work as great partners when others needs help. It sounds very strange that how can people who did not always agree with us can be our best friends.

Well, it is a really good issue to discuss with. However, there is only on one circumstance for us to maintain the great relationships. The secret is that we respect other people’s ideas and willing to open our minds for the opposites. On the other hand, I think the most important key issue would be that we had the same passion and willing to devote the best part of us to our students.

I have to say that each one of us is really different and unique. We used different methods to teach and pass our knowledge and philosophy of life to the students we meet and also learn from one another.

Two years ago, I decided to leave this team for the better vision in the future. My future is upon to God’s hand and I will do the things what HE wants me to do. However, I never forget this group of best friends. As a best friend, I know that no matter what they are facing or doing they will always be fine and support each other. Although, I am not part of the team anymore but I do always keep them in my prayers. Because of I know that whatever I cares the one who love me (God) also cares, and surely HE will bless them as HE blesses me. The most important thing is that they are the keys who can light up so many students’ lives.

Hey, my dear friends, I love you all.

星期六, 11月 13, 2010

整理生命The process with life review

English will fllow by Chinese



這兩年我已經做了很多關於自我的生命探索與整理。我認為這對我來說真的很重要,幫助我很多也讓我看到,我們的神是多麼的偉大。這也是一種來自上帝的醫治喔! 尤其當我真正面對我正在處理的問題,並願意讓神來動工的時候。這真的讓我更加的能夠去探索自己,了解自己。

這幾天一件有趣的事是打到了我。那年出國之前,曾經有一個人要求我讓我留在台灣 ...不過,我最後決定去澳大利亞學習。終於這持續了4-5年的遠距離關係還是結束了,那一年我還真是淒慘,先是我最親愛的祖父在我飛回到澳大利亞時去世,再來就是研究所的課業壓力當然還有最慘的分手事件。對我來說,那簡直是悲慘的一年因為 我不得不一個人在異鄉面對我的研究學習的壓力,失去我親愛的爺爺,然後甩了我的男朋友的慘重課題。我從來沒有機會審查正在發生的事情與我在那個時候。不過,我還是很感謝上帝。因為也是在那年,我見到了我的乾媽,還有認識了很多可以成為終生的好朋友。最重要的是這一年,我接受基督為我個人的救主在。事實上,沒有人能明白我和前男友的關係是怎麼回事。在家裡也沒有一個人,因為知道我們分手了而再提過他。前幾天,我媽媽突然喃喃自語說,我的前男友可能已經有幾個孩子等等等等... ...。

嗯,我當時沒有任何的回答。我把分手這事當做那是在神的計劃中和祝福。然而,從我媽而來的這問題真的有打到我,“如果有人在我出國前希望我留下來那我會怎麼回答他呢?”我的乾媽說,我應該放棄我的學習留下來,如果這個人是上帝安排的…。後來我才意識到她為何為這樣說,這是因為美國實在離她太遠了,且她覺得我不年輕了。那麼什麼又會是我的回答這個問題的答案呢?任何人都可以來猜一猜吧!猜對了有獎! 嘿嘿嘿

公佈答案: 答案是會先問一下為什麼要留下來 搞清楚發生什麼事(澄清) 接下來試聽他好好說 (傾聽) 然後 我會很謝謝那個人 謝謝他那麼重視我 (道謝) 接著 很重要就是一起禱告吧! 嘿嘿嘿 除非上帝有其他的安排 要不我是不會改變的! 無關乎夢想 原因是一切都是起因於神! (好像在處理安寧的個案厚)

The process with life review

One of my favor subjects what I taught in the University was the subject named “Life and Death”. In fact my major is Dementia care and it’s not really related with anything of this subject. Therefore, I always told my students in a very beginning class that this would be the subject that we are going to learn through our lifetime. I am not the master of it but what we are going to do with this subject will be exploring, reflecting, sharing, and learning from one another.

These two years I had done a lot of works with the reviewing of my personal life. I think it’s really important for me and helping me a lot to see that how great our God is. It’s also a kind of healing from God when I really face the issues I was dealing and willing to let God work in it. It really helped me to explore myself and understood myself better.

These few days a funny thing was up to my mind. That year before I went overseas for my undergraduate study a guy who I was dating with asked me to stay in Taiwan… However, my decision was going to Australia to study. In the end the long distant relationship finally end up at the year my grandfather passed away on the time I flied back to Australia. That was really a tuff year for me. I had to face the stress about my post-graduate study and losing of my dear grandfather then broke up with my boy friend.

I never had chance to review what’s going on with me at that time. However, I still very thank God for everything. That was also the year I met my godmother and many lifelong friends. The most important thing was that I accepted Christ as my personal savior at that year.

In fact, no one could understand that what’s going on with our relationships. No one at home even mentioned about him since we broke up. Last few days, my mom suddenly muttering by herself and said that my ex may have few children already…blah blah …

Well, I did not reply any words about it. I took that was under God’s plan and blessings. However, the question from my mom did really hit me “if someone asks me to stay again before I go overseas what will I response to him?” My godmother said that I should give up my study and staying if that is the one from God. Later on I realized that she was saying so because that USA is far far away from her and she thought that I am not young anymore. Well what is my answer to this question? Anyone can have a guess with it!

星期一, 11月 01, 2010

The genius student 天才學生

The genius student 天才學生

(中文在英文之後) 2010/11/01 Yu-Jen

I went for a student gathering this Sunday afternoon. That was really a good time for us to meet and was a very first time since they graduated from university. It’s really good to see some of them are happiness with harmony at their families with the children.

There was a very genius student who was found with fever. She was staying in Yi-Lan where is far far away from Shin-Zu. Therefore, I suggested her to take panadol for her fever before she reach home to see a doctor. She rejected my proposal due to allergy to those painkillers. I was quiet queries about the allergy and painkillers because this was the very first time I heard that someone allergy to panadol. Anyway, we respected her decision of not taking panadol.

There was something up during our conversations while the car was reaching to Taipei city. I asked her how if there was no clinic open for her illness on Sunday? The genius replied “ it’s ok for me. I am going to have some Fu-Mao- Zer-IN (Pandol allergy sinus caplets)…” that was really shocked us who were on the same car with her while she said it. In the end, her classmate told her that the caplets she was going to take which contain with panadol its self and vit C…. So, Miss OOX are you sure you are allergy to Panadol? Ha ha ha.


聚會快結束前,有個天才被發現發燒了!因為她住在宜蘭實在很遠,因此我問她再回家看醫師前要不要先吃顆普拿疼退燒? 她跟我們說:「不不不! 我會對止痛藥過敏…」我其實是第一次聽說有人對普拿疼過敏,因此雖然很狐疑還是尊重她。

當車子快到台北時,我們忽然想到周日晚上診所應該沒開門,那他要怎麼辦? 這時,天才大小姐的她,竟然不急不徐的安慰我們說:「沒關係啊! 我回家喝杯伏冒熱飲就好了…」哈哈哈! 這話一出真是讓同車的我們都傻住了! 於是做在她旁邊的同學忍不住跟她說:『你確定可以喝伏冒熱飲嗎?』她很正經的點點頭! 接下來 聽到的是 “難道你不知道伏冒熱飲就是普拿疼加維他命C….”喔喔喔! OOX小姐! 所以你真的對普拿疼過敏嗎?