
星期二, 12月 14, 2010

Regret and Repent 後悔和悔改

the English will follow by Chinese
“後悔”(regret)和”悔改”(repent)這兩個字看起來似乎相似但卻不完全相同的。後悔 (regret)這個詞意旨對於我們所作或是來不及做的事感到遺憾或難過。但悔改(repent)這個詞的含義不僅是對我們這做過的某些壞的或錯誤的事感到抱歉,但有著更多的行動含義在裡頭,也就是我們希望做將錯誤的事情改成正確的,從此不再犯。




當我漸漸長大後,我忽然覺得,我是多麼糟糕,且真的很後悔我當時為什麼要這樣做,特別在我成為一個基督徒後這種抱歉的感覺更加強烈呢。在聖經裡其實是沒有後悔這個詞,上帝從不要我們只是後悔而已而是真的悔改。當然我現在沒有在對我弟弟做什麼壞事,也沒有拿剪刀再剪斷他的任何他的遊戲了。不過,我真的很感謝神改變我和我的生命還有我和弟弟間的關係。這個世界上除了上帝以外真的沒有任何其他的名稱力量,和愛可與耶穌基督的愛相提並論。如果沒有耶穌的愛,我想我可能無法成為一個好姐姐吧。當然,我想我還是不夠好,但是這是來自上帝的承諾。如果我們懺悔且願意悔改,他會原諒我們而耶穌基督的為我們定在十字架上所流的血會將我們的罪洗淨,使我們成為新造的人。我真的不知道在我弟的心中我有多麼的好或不好。不過,我相信一件事情,他將不會使用”暴君”這個詞來形容他的老姊。嘿,我親愛的弟弟,我真的很抱歉我曾經對你做了傷害你和你的玩具的事,但是我感謝上帝更新我們的關係讓我們可以更以更親近的方式珍惜對方。遺憾和後悔這是兩個不同的單詞在拼寫和意義上。各位看倌,我不知道您是否曾經有過後悔的感覺想要回到從前讓一切如新?今天,有一個好消息,那就是,神是愛。他非常非常的愛你希望你可以悔改,更貼近他,好讓祂的憐憫和恩典跟隨你。來吧! 向他開口跟祂禱告乞求相信你一定也會和我一樣經歷到祂其妙偉大的同在與奇事呢。

Regret and Repent                            2010/12/14Yu-Jen, Hsieh Singapore

The words “regret” and “repent” seem similar but not exactly the same if we look their definitions closely. The word regret means that to feel sad or sorry for something that we did or we did not do. However the meaning of the word repent is not only the meaning of feel sorry about something we did it bad or wrong but more in the actions that we want to make the wrong thing to be right.

I am the only  girl in my family. My dad really loved me very much and spoiled me in some ways when I was young. I always remember that I was just like the queen in the family that everyone in the family must listen to me and please whatever the things I wanted it to be.

My relationship with my younger brother is very good and we are really close to each other. However, I always remember that when he was in junior high school he wrote that I was a very bad and hated someone liked a Tyrant in the family. I was so sad to read and know what he wrote about me at that time and did really feel regret that how come I treated him in this way. However, the feeling of feel sorry just kept me for a while to be his goodie sister and buddy.

My younger brother is a very talent guy with very high IQ. More than 20 years ago, his school results were really good so that he earned a present of NINTENNO from my parents. At that time, Nintendo was a very expensive and not really popular TV game due to not every family could have extra money to effort it. However, I did not know in some reasons I was really mad about him and then I used the slicers to cut the wire of his treasure game. He was very depressed and upset about it but could not do anything with me. As I growing up, I realized that how bad I was and really regret about what I had done to him special when I became a Christian. There is not the word regret in the bible instead of the word repent. Of course I did not do anything bad to him and cut any of his games nowadays. However, I really thank God for changing me and renewing my life with my brother. There is no other name and power and love can be compared with Jesus. Without the love of Jesus I think I may not able to be a good sister to my brother. Yet, I am still not good enough however this is the promise from God. If we repent then He will forgive and the power of blood of Jesus Christ will wash over our sins and make us as new. I do not really know that how good I am in my brother’s mind now. However, I am sure one thing that he will never use the word tyrant to describe his only sister. Hey, my dear brother, I am really sorry from what I had done to you and your life however I thank God for renewing our relationships in the way closer and treasure each other.

Regret and repent these are two different words with spelling and meaning. My dear readers, I do not know if you ever repent instated of only regret? Today here is a good news for you that God is love. He loves you so much and wants you to be repented and closer to HIM so that His mercy and grace will follow you all the time. Come and talk to HIM. Surely you will experience how great He is as I do.
