
星期六, 9月 11, 2010

I know who holds tomorrow 我知誰掌管明天

"I know who holds tomorrow" is one of my favorite hymns. It starts with "I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day. I don't borrow from its sunshine,For its skies may turn to gray. Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand;But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand.....". Yes, there may have lot of things happened tomorrow but whatever the things are, God will always be the path with us.

Ostrich is one kind of animal what to be represented as someone who does not face the difficulties and just put the head underground as if he can't see anything else then the bad things will not happen. Well, that's really a misunderstanding for this big bird. However, the point of the way for ostrich face the problems makes me get different ideas about it.   I think ostrich is the most humble and faithful big bird in the world. It may because it knows who holds tomorrow and who is going to help it. As those calligraphy words "I don't worry about tomorrow" in this bookmarker, yes there is not thing to worry. God will lead our way and will hold our hands.Wow, this may be a gift for someone who just made a deal with me. he he he

"我知誰掌管明天"是我很喜歡的一首聖詩 中文的歌詞是這樣的:"我不知明天將如何,每一天只為主活,我不借明天的陽光,因明天或不晴朗,我不要為將來憂慮,因我信主的應許,我今天要與主同行,因祂知前面路程。有許多未來的事情,我現在不能識透,但我知誰掌管明天,我也知誰牽我手。...."是的,明天有可能會發生很多我們無法參透的事情,但不管發生什麼事情,我相信上帝都將永遠與我們同在。


這個書籤上的這些書法字是篆體的“我不為明天憂慮“! 真的,我們不需要為明天憂煩,因為我相信不管發生何事上帝都會牽著我們的手和我們一同度過。哇,這張書籤也許會成為剛和我達成某種協議的...金小姐的禮物喔! 哈哈哈
