
星期三, 11月 17, 2010

Lemon Venus Orange

English will follow by Chinese
小公主姊姊跟我說她在學校吃了橘子,橘子實在好好吃! 我聽了之後有點狐疑原因是她其實是喜歡吃柳丁。為了確認她是不是分不清柳丁跟橘子,我測試了她一下,後來發現她在學校吃的是柳丁。小公主姐姐在接受訓練後已經可以分得清楚柳丁和橘子的不同。於是晚餐後我請她表演一下她的最新絕技到廚房拿顆橘子出來!嘿嘿 老師教的好!她當然拿對了啊! 這時在旁邊的妹妹看見眾人對姐姐的讚美也想要被測試! 於是我請她去廚房拿柳丁! 阿嬤怕她不知道還問了她一下,沒想到他很有把握的說”好!我知道了“ 卻拿了一顆….檸檬…很高興的回來!為了鼓勵她我們只好跟她說很棒但是這是檸檬不是柳丁啦!再去拿一次,這次她待在廚房很久…正當我們猜她該不會拿胡蘿蔔出來時,這時她又很高興的跑了出來,還大喊我找到了! 結果這次她…她…竟然抱著她的奶粉跑出來! 喔!我的天啊! 小公主妹妹 你 你 可真是搞不清楚狀況啊!

Esther told me that she ate mandarin at school and that’s really yummy. I was so surprise about it. Because of oranges suppose to be her favorite fruit. Therefore, I asked her to figure out the differences between mandarin and orange. In the end, she told me that she did not eat the mandarin at school. She ate orange. Tonight, after dinner I asked her to pick up a mandarin for me. She learned very fast and picked the right one for me. Her younger sister Rebecca was also waiting for us to assign her to pick up something. Therefore, I asked Rebecca picked up one orange for me. Rebecca was very happy and ran very fast to kitchen to pick up the orange. My mom asked her that if she knew which was orange. She replied “ yes, I knew”….then back with a lemon. So we told her that’s good but it’s lemon. She went to kitchen again….and came back with ????? her milk powder…. Oh! My God, Rebecca you are really funny!
